I made this weather app a few days ago and i can’t figure out why the background image in the oval doesn’t work all the time. it is set up to show a different bg image depending on the id of the weather. it has worked for rain and cloudy for me so far. but its not working today for clear. i have it set up to console log the id, so im getting that and as far as i know my logic looks right. is there something im missing. if someone has time to check it out id appreciate it. thanks
"background-image": "url (https://ak5.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/1747219/thumb/1.jpg)",
No single-quote for the actual jpg url link?
nope, i had just taken that off while i was troubleshooting. i checked the link it still works. i know im getting the id data. other backgrounds do show up. i wonder if it has something to do with codepen…for example the getJSON doesnt work with https codepen only http codepen. idk. its bogus it worked for a couple days then stopped without me changing anything
Try using a different image, from a plain http source.
good idea but no dice. the image i wanted to use was available http a i tried a totally new image as well. did u get an image when u checked it out?
DO NOT LEAVE any space between url and parenthesis!
"background-image": "url('http://lorempixel.com/output/people-q-c-640-480-6.jpg')"
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