Welcome to freeCodeCamp's forum

hello, let’s study together.

Hello everyone,

My name is Sergio Alvarado and I’ve been going to a 4 month long bootcamp for web development but figured id also do freecodecamp.com to get some more coding practice.

I’m learning to code because I’m tired of working retail and I want to be able to show my family that an education or learning is not a bad thing. Also just asked my fiancee to marry me and I want to be able to provide for the both of us.

Like I’ve mentioned before I’ve been wanting to get some practice and begin to do some projects on my own aside from the ones that we are working on at our Bootcamp I want to be able to successfully accomplish all of the courses on freecodecamp.com.

Hello CodeCampers, this is Isnad and I am quite new to coding. I am here to learn the fundamentals and develop myself. I find coding very hard and after going through tons of resources (which were not very helpful for me) I stumbled upon this site and joined last week.

I want to learn to code for myself and and I would like to work as a full-time developer/programmer. It will take a while I suppose but I just hope that I can learn and get helps/feedback from the peers.

Thank you for reading and if anyone has any tips on how should I proceed on learning to code, or any tips for me, please shoot me a message anytime.

Hello all!

My name is Nate and I am completely new to coding.

I have always been fascinated by the idea of knowing how the things that essentially run most aspects of our lives are created and how they communicate with each other.

Looking forward to learning and growing in this new skill!

Hi ,

I am Sharathkumar.

I am learning to code to solve real-world problems.


Hello everyone,

I’m Shelter.I am working at a fixed network company.
I’m learning web front-end knowledge, because i want to be a excellent coder in front-end area.

Hello world! I’m Miguel from Houston,Tx. Learning to code because it’s fun! I’ve been learning to code from this awesome website along with some textbooks about processing/js and classes from college.

Hello everyone!

I am Ozi Ovoniyakelijah Michael. Call me Ovoni.

I want to improve my full stack development knowledge so can get a job.

I have been eclectically reading books. I always get stuck when it comes to personal projects or projects I have to do for someone. Then I just abandon it.

I know with your support will be able to complete this.


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Hello Everyone!

my name is Shahani, I am a grade 9 student and I am learning to code in able to have some ideas and have an advance study for my future job and course!

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Hello my name is Hubert. I am not a very experienced coder who is interested in learning coding so I can help design software and other technology that can be used to make the world and if aliens exist the universe a much better place, because benevolence makes progress.

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My Name is Ryan, I am learning to code (more) because I like coding. I have mostly been trying to teach myself with projects here and there and with Google but decided that I should do it right and found myself here! YAY!!!

Hello! My name is Michael and I’m aspiring to be an expert front and back end developer. I’m focused on going ham at this until I can honestly call myself OP. I feel like if I can be the best healer on any private wow server I join I can do it with other things; why not code? Since January this year, 2017, I’ve been going through Rob Percival’s “Complete Web Developer Course 2.0” on Udemy and for the most part have finished the course and launched my own site. It’s okay but I don’t feel insanely good yet which is really what I want. I’m also making my way through Prof. Chris Haroun’s “An Entire MBA in 1” course as a friend and I get ready to roll out a startup. Knowing about TAM and round applications to VC’s is insanely interesting stuff. I’ve been learning to code so far with html5, css3, bootstrap, jQuery, javascript, wordpress, some API’s like google’s geolocation, some mySQLi, and PHP. I’m hoping FCC will help me refine my skills, especially understanding complex syntax and digging deeper into back end, and take me out of the beginner programming level ultimately into working with a development company. I’m looking forward to future opportunities and hope I can become someone soon to help others on this path.

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I am software engineer from Ukraine. I started coding in 2010.

I am learning to code because it is fun and I want to grow as a developer. Also I want to be up to date in new technologies and frameworks. I want to be productive programmer and I want to help society to grow.

I’ve been learning to code at work as a software engineer. I’ve read more than 20 books related to programming. I took part at IT conferences and hackathons.

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Hi Campers,

I am Shahid Sani Abdullahi.

I am learning code because it is part of my field of study.

I have started with front end development

For defelopment

Hi, I’m Garfield,

I’m learning to code because the possibilities are governed only by our limitless creative ability.

I have been struggling to code for the last three years or so. It does not come to me easy, I have to work hard to understand even the most basic concepts, but since discovering 3CC things are beginning to change. Let’s just hope it remains 3CC and not PayCC.

“Upon this first, and in one sense this sole, rule of reason, that in order to learn you must desire to learn, and in so desiring not be satisfied with what you already incline to think, there follows one corollary which itself deserves to be inscribed upon every wall of the city of philosophy: Do not block the way of inquiry.” Charles Sanders Peirce “First Rulle of Logic”

shona (i have not good english)
Makadii henyu. Ini ndinoitwa Kudakwashe Paradzayi. Ndinobva kunyika inonzi ZImbabwe.
Ini ndakafarira freeCodeCamp() nekuti inogona kudzidzisa munhu kunyora mapuroguramu anobatsira vanhu nezira inoshamisa. Ini pachangu ndagara ndichiita maBackEnd API ndichishandisa Node.js. Ndakadzidzira kunyora kodhi pandaiverengawo kodhi dzevamwe paGithub.

English equivalent of the above
Greeting to all the campers. My name is Kudakwashe Paradzayi and I am from Zimbabwe. I like freeCodeCamp() because it can enable us to write meaningful applications that would be fro the good of the community. I have been a back end developer using node.js. I taught myself how to code by studying the source code of prominent open source projects on GIthub.

  • I am Shubham Singhal doing Btech in Computer Science from MIT College of Engineering,Pune.

  • I am learning code to improve my knowledge in web designing and I want to be professional Full Stack Web Developer by August.

  • I have been learning in parts from youtube and other coding website but freecodecamp has provided me to complete all the course of full stack web developer in best learning format

Hi campers,

I am 3d designer from Finland. I started to learn coding because I am interested in learning new things and maybe at some point I would like to change carreer path…

Thanks and see you!

Hi Campres,

I’m Houssam. I’m working in as a 1st line support on a helpdesk.

I’m learning to code to explore other horizons in the IT world. I started at school long time ago learning html5 css3 javascript and c++ i had lot of difficulties with those 2 last ones and hope to do it better now.