Welcome to freeCodeCamp's forum

Hi there good to see you on FCC! I have lived in NC and now living in Sillicon Valley.

Hi everyone,

I’m Joshua.
I’m learning to code because I’m studying Computer Science and trying to practice/learn as much as I can about coding.
The way I’ve been learning to code so far is by reading the books that I’ve used in my classes. I have them on pdf so if you want them just let me know. They teach you C++ and Java. I use apps as well to learn. (SoloLearn is the app name) Finally freecodecamp.com is also what I’m using as you may already know haha.

Hello everyone!

I’m Pedro from Portugal. I worked several years as scientist mainly with C++ and Python. Meanwhile, during university, I learned PHP, CSS and HTML, by making some online games. A friend suggested me this because I lack the skills of a Front-End developer.

Hi All,
I’m Eric and living in London. My aim is to improve my programming skills, work on different projects and also exchange experiences with other campers. I believe freeCodeCamp is an awesome place to start learning as I’ve been looking for similar online forum.
Happy coding Everyone!!!

I am an ambitious self-taught software developer. I am going through free code camp so that I can have actual credentials to land a job in the industry. I have been learning to code by reading books, online tutorials, youtube, and stack overflow

Hey everyone!

My name is Adnan, and I am sort of new to FCC. I started the courses since last December, but didn’t quite stick to it. Lately, and after I managed to solve some of my busy life problems, I decided that I should get back to coding. And here I am.

I want to learn how to code because it’s one of my passions, and although I’ve had many failed attempts, I am planning to stick to it this time. I hope so!

I’ve tried many tutorials and websites in the past but they weren’t that interesting to me. Now FCC has changed everything, and made the learning process fun.

Looking forward to working with you guys.


Hello I’m Zach, I’m learning to code because I think it plays to my strengths and I’m finding the introductory courses pretty fun so far. So far I’ve just been learning code through free online resources - I’d like to start coding apps as soon as possible.

My name is Alex and I want to become a Web Developer. I currently work as a special education instructional assistant, but I want to expand my horizons. I’ve been mainly learning on Codecademy and Code School, but I feel like I’m learning much more quickly with FreeCodeCamp.

Hi there, great interface.

I am from Singapore, learning to code because I want to be build my own JARVIS.

FreeCodeCamp and Coursera!

Hello everyone,

My name is Zach, I just started coding a few days ago, I wanted to get into coding so I can one day develop my own fantasy sports guide app.

Hope everyone is doing well and having success in their early coding careers!

Hi! I’m Sofi. I’m learning to code to be able to automatize boring tasks. Also I love learning new things and solving problems.

I’ve mostly been taking MOOC’s from Coursera and EdX, learning basic R and python. I want to be able to code my personal website to host my data analysis projects.

  • who you are
    • Hi, my name is Joe and I work in a computer factory.
  • why you’re learning to code
    • To keep my job! :wink:
  • how you’ve been learning to code so far
    • One keystroke after another?

Hi there guys & gals,

I’m Mario, a life-long learner and proficient Rubyist :slight_smile:

Got this freeCodeCamp recommended by one of my co-workers, and since I never got the hang of the fullstack of web-dev, this platform is the best I came across so far.

Happy coding! and see you around :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hey, I’m James! I started coding in May 2017 and so far really enjoy it. I am taking freeCodeCamp as a prep for a coding bootcamp. I am learning to code so that I can become marketable as well as a desire to create websites and applications.

Hi everyone, I’m Luis from Guatemala, and I not have experience with coding. I’m 36 years old

Hello Everybody!

I’m 38 years old, was a gardener for the last 15 years and am trying FreeCodeCamp to check my affinity for computer programming. Living in Seattle, there are more programming jobs than programmers available, so demand is high and if I find I can learn, persist and prevail, a good job will be my reward.

I’ve been in it for a couple weeks and it’s intuitive, but I’m not underestimating the difficulty ahead. Hoping that having a community such as this will give me(us) the support we need to succeed.

The ultimate goal is to be able to work remotely and be wherever I want to be.

Best of luck to you all and hope to see you in the forum!



Hello Campers,

I am Abhishek Patel. I am 20 years old.

I have great interest in web development as it has a very large market.

So far I used to learn code from youtube amd other such sources.
nut here I am now, FREECODECAMP, a great place to learn.

Hey there all!

I’m Krys (Chris) from California! I’m a 25 year old CS undergrad student looking to get better at Web Development as a path into software development later on.

Most of my experience learning to code has been through my CS classes with a lot of work done on the side to learn languages from another tutorial website out there. I actually came across FCC by looking into the other website on YouTube and someone mentioned FCC as another great/better alternative.

I’m excited to learn and looking forward to bettering my skills!

Hello Fellow Campers,
My name is Bikash Pandey, I am a student and my majors is Computer Science. I am really interested in turning my ideas into reality and hence I have been working hard to learn as much as possible.
Freecodecamp has been a really nice place. And I am looking forward to contribute to this community.
Thank You.

what problem do u resolved with that you learned?