Welcome to freeCodeCamp's forum

Hello everyone. Returning to FCC after a year and really enjoying it.

Just hear to learn some cool technical skills and understand technology better.

Hi all, my name is Jay and live in North Carolina.

I am currently a working as a Systems Analyst, but have always been intrigued by the idea of coding. I saw this program online and figured why not. I have been taking the course for less than a week but am loving it so far. Canā€™t wait to get deeper in the program and pick some of your brains.

Hello! Iā€™m Newton
Iā€™m 18-years-old brazilian student

Iā€™m learning to code because I enjoy learning new things and I hope one day get into a IT career

I learned HTML, CSS, and some python a while ago on my own and want to get a better foundation in it and beyond.

Hello World!

  • My name is Rob
  • I am learning to code, with the hopes I could work from home in the future.
  • So far I have been learning by using freeCodeCamp when my son naps & sleeps at night.

Hello. My name is Sergey. Iā€™m 26 year old. I was a geologist 12 month ago. Now iā€™am miniJunior in small russian company.
Once i met an old man in Siberia)), He was an engineer, and wrote a several program for geocompany where i worked. Then i said by myself, "i always liked computers, and wanted to know about How it works, create something interesting, etc. Why i didnt think to be a programmer?"
And i started to read books and tried to find a job.

hi campers,

i m salman karim. student of BS(CS) III semester

because i want to become a developer

I have been so far by reading programming books and attend extra courses in different place and different languages like web development and C# .net framework :slight_smile:

Hi Campers,

Iā€™m Sunil , Iā€™m learning code to be a good programmer, iā€™m learning code reading books and websites.

Hi Iā€™m Steve!
Iā€™m learning to code because I would love to be a professional web developer.
Iā€™ve been learning to code through freeCodeCamp and The Odin Project.

Hello, My name is Frankie McCaa and I am 19 years old

Iā€™m learning to code because its something that is my passion and I have the will and drive to learn new coding languages.

Iā€™ve been learning coding for quite sometime now basically from codeacademy and w3schools but I felt that there could be another way of learning it in a better way so I looked the best coding schools online and I discovered freecodecamp and man they were right this is the best site for learning code.

Hi! Iā€™m Maryke - currently from the UK. Iā€™m dreaming of a job that doesnā€™t tie me to one location and am hoping that coding will lead me there.xm

Hi everyone, I am Amit. I am a current Accounting and Information Systems student living just outside NYC. I am learning to code because I have found that I am very passionate about technology and understand the thinking behind coding well.

I have taken courses at university for Java and COBOL and have taken some database classes as well. I have taught myself Python through LPTHW and I am now eager to try my hand at web development. My post-grad plan right now is to go into public accounting, but perhaps my experiences with coding will sway my career in a different direction.

Hello my name is Gerardo from Los Angeles.

I want to learn to code so that I can design programs that will help the world in different areas. It sounds ambitious to say something like that and a bit scary but Iā€™m committed to learning how to code!

Howdy. Iā€™m Byron Ferguson - a developer by avocation, who sometime along the way, became a manager. Iā€™m doing freeCodeCamp to refresh my coding standards, and because Iā€™ve always wanted to use some of my skills to contribute to Non Profits in a relevant way.

Thanks for being part of the community!

My name Roman.
The reason Iā€™m learning code is so I can turn a concept into a idea and then into a reality. Itā€™s frusterating looking at the world without having any understanding of how things work or even how theyā€™re made, and I would like to change that, but not just change that, but be a part of it.
So far html has been slightly confusing but as you keep practicing you start to have a better understanding of why things work the way they do and become better at organizing your lines of code.

Hi All! My name is Darren. I am currently a web developer but I have been locked in to .NET coding and unfortunately we have not been using a lot of the latest technologies and libraries. I am here to unlock those new skills to continue to advance my career.

Hello Everyone !

My name is Yehya, I am a 30 years old doctor married with one kid, I used to be the " Computer boy" until high school (more than 14 years by now) I used comfortably HTML PHP Python and did some beginnersā€™ sites.
Then under family pressure a my brother and relatives are doctors I joined the medicine school, I graduated 5 years ago and came up with an idea which needs a webapp platform to be deployed when started searching for developers and CTO they were all very expensive and I was astonished as none of them even offered the quality I need, so I made some research on the interned and found that there are dozen of new libraries and coding languages/techniques emerged in the past 15 years I was depressed as I felt I missed 15 years of my life.
After 2 grieving days Iā€™ve decided to pursue my dream and learn again to build my webapp at least and to enjoy practicing my old hobby and most probably will try in the future to have a career shift as I hate medicine.

My only concern that keeps me depressed most of the time that I found that I became dumper and rusty minded with aging, I remember I was faster to adapt and learn when I was younger, I could learn codes faster even nowadays schools like freecodecamp and other interactive platforms werenā€™t there we used to learn from books, forums and blogs but still I seem to be having a volatile memory with coding-self-confidence issues.

Not sure if I could keep the pace with younger people who learn faster and compete better on jobs.

Hi all, im from Brazil and im new to FCC, i started freeCodeCamp to improve my programming skills and also to learn news programming languages and techniques.

Hope to learn a lot, enjoying lots so far :smile:

Hi all, Im Izzat. Nice to meet yā€™all.

Hey everyone! My name is Ryan and Iā€™m currently living in Michigan.
I suppose I originally got interested in code during the MySpace days when I was ā€œpimpingā€ out my profile by setting a photo of a couch as my background, but my interest rekindled when I found a thread on Reddit about CS50X through Harvard, even though Iā€™ve only made it through the first project in Scratch with that program. Recently, my interest in code has been awoken, yet again, by Childish Gambino and his interest in code.
Iā€™ve been learning code through FCC mainly, with a very small amount of experience through CS50X, as I mentioned a second ago.

I am Heggy, intermediate coder who is very serious about learning Javascript framework. Currently, enrolled in certificate program at UCSC-ext and FCC cohort bootcamp. I am going to be more active in Free Code Camp forum. I like exercising, eating healthy food.
I am looking forward to getting to know you better.