Welcome to freeCodeCamp's forum

Hi Guys!
I am Raunak. I am learning to code so as gain experience and try to build some cool stuff. I am doing fine in coding due to excellent teaching method by freeCodeCamp.
If I need help will bother you guys for help. :slight_smile:

  • Hello, i am a student in Lithuania.
  • For more knowledge about different languages.
  • In the university

Thanks a lot Javi. I’ll give a search on this book.

Hi! I’m Joseph. I’m learning to code because I love computer and to have a job as a web developer as well.

I have experiences of coding in school and still learning something new here in freecodecamp.

Have a great day everyone!

Hi everyone!

I’m currently studying Economics and Math for a Bachelor’s degree but recently had this desire to learn how to code. I heard about FCC from a friend and, as a beginner, I’ve found it an interesting experience so far.

I’m trying to learn as much as I can and get acquainted with the community.

Much love!
And have a wonderful week

Hi all,

I’m Greg - a web developer trying to update his skills. On the “GUI” (front-end), I have some HTML/CSS/JavaScript experience, but very little experience with Bootstrap and jQuery. Looking forward to learning. And I share the same wish as everyone else that, one day, I hope I can be of some help to someone else.

Best to all,

Hello Everyone!

My name is Ajay and i am a technology enthusiast who loves to code and build products.
I really liked the way freecodecamp has been designed to learn skills for web development.

Hi I’m Jack, I’m a digital designer form London

hi friend my name is kiran

Hi im Julio Herrera from Chile and i´m a Computer programmer who need refresh my code skills, thks for your help.


Julio Herrera

Hi Campers,

I’m Joshua. I’m an I.T. Tech for a company in Oklahoma.

I’m learning to code for job opportunities.

Hey Guys,

My name is Ron. I am learning code just to see if it is the right thing for me. So far I am enjoying it and having fun learning it!

Hello there! I’m Aaron, a 26 year old dork from New Jersey.

I’m a co-owner of a small startup (where I’m also CTO), and I’ve been learning to be a full-stack developer so that I can understand and work with my tech team more effectively. Also, I feel left out that everyone around me knows JavaScript and I don’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve had some knowledge of HTML, CSS, and web design since as early as middle school, through reading tutorials and just experimenting with things. I’m hoping to use freeCodeCamp and other services like Codecademy to get a better grasp on programming.

who you are

my name’s Bee, i’m freelance web developer, living in Bangkok.

why you’re learning to code

improving my skills, i need to be full stack developer

how you’ve been learning to code so far

i love learning by doing

Micah J. Tappe

Learning to code because I’d like a new skill set.

who you are

my name’s Nico, Work as a cook and play overwatch.
why you’re learning to code

improving my skills, i need to be full stack developer
how you’ve been learning to code so far

i love learning by doing

My name is Joe. I am learning coding to broaden my knowledge in the IT field. I have been using Youtube.

i am kislay sinha from india. i am learning coding just out of interest.

Hey everyone!

I’m Daniel. I’m 33 years old originally from Germany but living in Turkey right now. I’m currently self-employed as an online German teacher.

I have been starting to code on and off for the last couple of years with the help of online tutorials, but never made it very far. Now I have discovered freeCodeCamp and I’m also taking a MicroMasters course in software development at edx. I’m now determined to start a new career and become a full stack developer.

Hi, my name is Mateusz (or just Matt), I’m from Warsaw, Poland.

I want to be a front end developer because I need changes in my life.

I started learning 2 months ago.

Peace for everyone :slight_smile: