Welcome to freeCodeCamp's forum

My name is Diawara Alou,

I’d like one to become among the best coders in this world

I’ve taking so programming lessons.

Hi everyone,

I’m Prae.

I’m from Sydney, Australia. I’ve also lived in Thailand, Germany and Sweden.

I’m a mother of 2 young children.

I used to work as a primary school teacher, but I’m making the switch to become a software developer.

I really enjoy being creative and making things, so I find that I’m enjoying building something using code.

I have an interest in educational technology and hoping that my background in education combined with my new skills in software development will lead to exciting paths in the educational technology industry.

I’ve been learning to code for about 2 months now. It was super exciting to have found freeCodeCamp!

See you around.


Hi Rebecca,

I also started with CodeAcademy, but I really love the idea of building a project for an NGO with freeCodeCamp. So far I think the structure is good on freeCodeCamp. I can see where I’m heading and how I can achieve my goal.

All the best with your learning!


Hello Everyone,

I am Amir Shaikh from Mumbai India.

I am trying this platform to gain knowledge as a coder.

I was using google search for my learning purpose.

Hello World!
I am basically a system administrator but i am always been passionate about coding. I am looking for a career switch, probably a web or desktop programmer. Hope this is ok for a first post.
Feedbacks are welcome. Happy to be a part of the community.
Happy coding.

Hi everyone,

My name is Alfred and I want to have the ability to build something straight out of my head, particularly websites and apps. My friends and I often come up with these ideas but we lack the skills to execute or put them in actual form. Hence I made the decision to learn coding. I basically self-learn during work and after work (whenever I have time).

Hope I stick to it and not give up easily!!

Hi all! I’m currently a STEM grad student with a lot of scientific programming and data processing experience but no formal CS training. I’m dabbling in the waters. I’m self-taught and freeCodeCamp is absolutely awesome. I’m stuck in a rut and want to do something different with my life. This may be my way into more exciting projects…

Hoping to pay it forward in the near future!

I am Evelyn and i am learning code to advance into my career.


I just finished my first year of undergrad from a community college in Hayward. I’m trying to learn to code because it’s a skill that I know will be useful to learn and it’ll be worthwhile. So far I’ve only taken two computer science classes at my community college and just this summer I started doing free code camp. Thank you for reading!


Hi there,

My name is Campbell. I am a software development student living in Auckland, New Zealand. I’m utilising the FreeCodeCamp platform to maintain the habit of coding everyday. So far so good! :smile:

Hi, my name is Muhammad Daffa Dezar. I’m 15 years old and now I’m studying in High School.

I am learning to code because I found that coding is fun and enjoyable for me and I want to learn a new skill for myself

It is very fun to learn to code and I want this activity to become my hobby

Salaam (Peace)

Hi all,

I’m Lia Chen from Taiwan.

I majored in communication and digital content. I’ve learned how to use photoshop and illustrator, and i learned Sketch and Xd with online resource recently. I have done some Daily UI Challenges, it’ll be great to make them into real. I want to become an UI designer and font-end developer in my future!! Try to learn more to gain the great job.

I’ve learned html & css at Udemy and Hahow. Recently, my friend Brian invited me to join Free Code Camp. It’s a great idea! and i hope i can complete all the challenges!

Have a good day!

Hi Campers,

I’m a Danish Software architect who has been coding backend solutions professionally for at least 17 years, It’s time for me to brush up my frontend skills as it’s skills needed more often than not in all kind of projects. I need to become better at estimating the time it takes to produce professional web-applications.

I choose to use FreeCodeCamp because I need a set of challenges to move forward on my frontend learning journey. I use it mainly as a checklist to verify if I need to change bad habits from the past.


I am Rakshu. I am a software engineering. I am into development of javascript libraries. I would like to learn other technologies like angularJS , nodeJS as well, but I dont have determined mind to do it on my own. So faar even if I try to learn anything new apart for my project, I fail due to wavering mind. First of all, rather than just coding, I would like to learn how to self-learn with motivation. I hope that I would get to know about it.

Hello everyone

My name is Sarthi and I am from India.
I love to code and learn new things and hence I am here. to learn to develop.
It has been a very interesting journey so far and expect it to best hereafter.

I am Per, aka Perlan. I’m learning to code as part of my job and because I love to code. And learn. So far I’ve been learning to code pretty good.

Hi Campers,

I am Rajib Das Gupta from INDIA.

I love programming and willing to learn new technology. I want to create nice stuff with amazing technology stuff.

I am learning well here with great interactive visual design.

Hi fellow campers,

My name is Samuel Wagura Njuguna, a freelance graphic designer by profession, I have a knack for learning code and this is what drove me to learn and understand the nitty gritties of code so as to broaden my skill scope and to boost my portfolio. So far FreeCodeCamp has been my most helpful resource.

I’m Per aka Perlan. I’m learning to code as part of my job and because I love to code. I think I’m doing pretty good so far!


Mayowa from South Africa.

Though a Business Analyst but diving into programming and I’m loving it.
