Welcome to freeCodeCamp's forum

Hello, my name is Brook.

I am learning to code in order to design systems that help people organize and analyze data.

Before this course, I mainly relied on books and YouTube for my code learning. My favorite books tend to come from No Starch Press such as Python for Kids, which is an easy intro that focuses on core language components rather than more complex processes.

This website has been great for getting my work into versioning and soon into active production. :slight_smile:

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Hello Everyone,
My name is Hamid and I am a Front-end web Developer, just recently I started to learn on Full-stack JavaScript (Angular.js, Node.js, MongoDB) and I am really excited :slight_smile:


Hi, I’m Eldir Torres.

I am learning to code because it is the area of my career that I consider the most beautiful, I have been learning to code on my own I have much to learn, but all the desire to do it well.

My name’s Owen, I’ve been a hardcore user of HTML and CSS for over a decade now. I’m afraid I’m hooked. Dabbling - and often getting lost - with PHP and JS… for more check my site: www.OwenDaniel.com :slight_smile:

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I’m Eric from USA. I’m a post-grad, double majored in Finance and Accounting, but am looking to learn a new skill to broaden my career options. Trying to learn full stack web development. Hoping to also maintain the discipline to persevere through my struggles instead of quitting when I lose the initial motivation.


Hi there,

I’m nazri from malaysia. Live as a programmer. freeCodeCamp is where i learn new technology like bootstrap and jquery.


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Hello everyone,

I’m De’Shawn from Indiana, I’m a bit familiar with coding from back in high school, but I’ve been learning so much as of recently from here.

I hope to soar to new heights and possibly make a living from the skills that I learn, so that I can pass the knowledge down to others in my area that want to get into the same sort of things.

So far this place is great, I’m not sure if I could ask for much more.

I wish you all a wonderful time here, Take Care and Have a Wonderful Week!

Hi all,

I’m Caleb, a student trying to diversify my learning with some basic code. A big thank you to freeCodeCamp for making this resource available!

Well wishes on everyone’s coding journey.

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Hello Everyone ! Just posting following my map…

Hi everybody

My name is Nicolas Mena, i’m from Colombia. actually i’m web developer in Ruby with more 3+ experience. i want learn the development in the Stack of Javascript.

Hello world! My name is Felix and I am from the Dominican Republic.

I have been coding since 2012. Mostly console apps, microcontrollers and more recently some desktop apps. I want develop my skills to expand my scope as a freelancer.

Hello to all Free Code Camp students and contributors. I’m here to learn and do my best to non-profit. :wave:

Greetings! My name is Rebecca Ford and I am a 49 year old woman living in Great Bend Kansas, USA. I work full-time at a non-profit where I am responsible for our websites, social media, public relations and development, and it’s probably pretty safe to say that I am the geek on staff; all the rest are social workers, case managers, etc., and aren’t much interested at all in technological details! I run a handcrafted soap business on the side.

I have taken HTML and CSS classes over the years which have helped me with our websites, but that is the extent of my training. And yet, I am fascinated with technology and software! I love keeping up with all of the different apps that are being created, and all of the ways that technology is changing our world. One of my goals has been to dig in and learn to code. I accidentally stumbled upon freeCodeCamp while I was revisiting other options, such as CodeAcademy, Code School, and Treehouse. As soon as I saw what freeCodeCamp was about, I knew this was the one I wanted to commit to, and dig into.

There are not many coding resources, opportunities or mentors In a rural area like where I live! For this reason, I consider freeCodeCamp is a wonderful educational resource and opportunity for learning and connecting with people with similar interests. I am grateful, and am looking forward to the journey.

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Hello to all Campers:
I’m a future full stack and as such, I would go thru all 2000+ hours of coding.
Just got a streak of 15 days so I’m confident I’ll make it. I knew some HTML from the 1.0 and 4.0 eras and PHP.
I’m a computer specialist, encompassing hardware and software.
I also have a blog on euclimatics:
Thanks very much.

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Hello, my name is Jose. I used to code a long time ago but have not kept up with the times. Going though ‘freeCodeCamp’ to refresh my knowledge. I missed coding and building websites. Coding is so much fun!


My name is Don. I was a System and Network Engineer. I want to develop web apps so I’m learning now. The camp has been great, I’ve learned a lot.

Thank you for your wonderful works in providing this code camp.

Hi everyone,

I’m Colin and I’m learning to code to expand my career options. I’ve spent a little time with the How To Design Programs course from the University of British Columbia on edX and am now working my way through FCC.

I’m really enjoying everything so far, looking forward to what comes next. Best of luck to all the learners out there!


Newbie - just trying my hands at coding - only for fun :slight_smile:
started coding 10 days ago.

I’m solidSnake (favorite video game character, can’t you tell?) or Joe in short. I’m about to start my 4th year as an CS major, so i can safely say I’ve been around the block a bit in the programming world (at least with c++ and java anyway).

Well programming has been one of the hardest skills for me to learn. It took around 2 years for things to come together, now things make more sense. Now I’d like to crack into web development a bit so I thought I’d learn a thing or two from free code camp and see where it goes.

What up g-eazys and g-ettes. My name is Jordan and I used to make websites and programs a long time ago but I eventually got hired as a network administrator and so all of my focus on learning new things was in networking stuff. Over ten years I forgot how to code and make websites so I’m here to re-learn everything. I tried out a few different learn to code websites and it seems like fCC is the best one out there. I’m not expecting to become a professional just by getting the certificates on here but it seems like a good place to start. Thanks to the fCC staff and founders for providing this awesome resource!
