Welcome to freeCodeCamp's forum

Hey everyone,

I am koteswar from India, I am learning to code to gain knowledge and to make living of that…well I have been learning to code so far by practice.:grin:

Hi everybody, I’m Mauro

I’m learning to code because i’ve always been fascinated with technology and want to explore other career opportunities.

I’ve been learning code from free web pages that give a tutorial or two.

Nice to meet all of you!

Hi I’m Andrius. I’m backend developer and want to improve my skills on front end to be more versatile:). Good learning experience to everyone!

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Welcome campers, this is my first post.

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Hi, everyone!
My name is Nikita, I am from Mother Russia! Learning web technologies since February, 2017. Started with Treehouse courses, then Udemy, Hackerrank, Codeacademy, etc. All good resources, but I am liking what freeCodeCamp has got to offer.

I’ve started learning C# and .Net platform awhile ago, but currently thinking of switching to something else, just because C# is a bit of pain, especially Linq and Entity =)

Nevertheless, going through the courses one by one and hopefully will land myself a job soon!
Best wishes to y’all!

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Hi there, guys!

My name is Nick and I just started out here at FreeCodeCamp. I have been dabbling in HTML and CSS for a while now. I am using this course to expand my career as a writer. I am an English Language and Literature major, and am looking to expand my horizons.

So far, I have been doing great. I love the interface of FreeCodeCamp.

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I am Catherine and I have always been interested in coding. I had two classes in high school that taught the basic’s of coding and am excited about being able to learn more.

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Hi Everybody!

I am Michael, an engineering graduate and I didn’t find coding too much fun in university because of the way it was taught which turned me off from coding. However, I see the benefit of coding in the professional world which is why I want to dive deeper into it again. I tried using youtube and other interactive coding sites like codecademy, but I wasn’t motivated to finish the tutorials. I am now trying freecodecamp and I like what I see so far.

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Hi there!

My name’s Leya. I’m learning to code, because it’s fun and I would love to make a career out of it. I’ve learning about it on and off again on my own and recently through a few courses offered in my degree program.

I’m excited to go through all the certifications! I’m almost done with this first one :slight_smile:

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Hi! My name is Minitha and I’m learning to code for a job opportunity. I’m enjoying it so far! :slight_smile:

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Hi all.

I am Drew and I am Head of IT ops of a company in Cardiff, Wales.

I am learning to code as I work with developers everyday and find what they do pretty cool and would like to have a go at it myself.

I studied Computer Science in uni 15 years back so it isn’t my first exposure to coding but I am definitely a beginner.
FreeCodeCamp has been great so far just hit step 100.


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Im a recent college grad with a major in computer science. I dont feel im prepared enough to work in the professional world although i do have experience with alot of programming languages. Since i have no experience, im finding it difficult for me to find a company willing to let me get my feet wet so i can gain some experience.

Im learning to code because i enjoy the possibilities that could come from being a computer programmer.

So far ive learned at the university level. I still feel i have alot to learn to im refreshing some skills and learning new tricks by practicing on freecodecamp. This website is heaven sent.

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UX/UI designer that wants to code and build prototypes.

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Hi guys!

My name is Ray and I’m from Seattle.

I’m learning to code to become a full stack developer.

I have been using numerous materials from online bootcamps to programming books to learn the basics of web

development. Good luck to all of us!

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I’m Shaun! Learning code because I love to create. I also want a new career.

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I’ll just admit I’m smack in the middle of a mid-life crisis. I’d built a nice career as a video producer, brand strategist, and all-around marketing guy, but I’d hate to work the next two decades without really understanding and helping to build part of this tech-crazy revolution we’re living through.

I completed a full-time bootcamp in 2016. I knew I wanted to learn to code and I knew I wanted a coding job, but I wasn’t ready to be a developer. Fast-forward to present day and, having spent a year as a brand manager at a tech startup, I have a much better idea of what it takes for a team to actually ship code, and I know better what role I’d play on that team.

Which brings me to freeCodeCamp.

Fingers crossed…


Hi everyone, my name is Brandon Zahn and I’m studying Computer Engineering at university so I’m learning how to code mostly from school.


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Hello my name is Timothy
I’m learning to code because I enjoy it and I am trying to make a career change into the tech world after spending about 12 years working in retail.
I’ve been teaching myself to code for about a year now (though I already knew HTML and some CSS) but have hit a number of stumbling blocks but refuse to give up.


I am Piyush Raj, a chemical engineering undergrad from India.
I am learning to code because I have a startup idea and I want to convert it into a product before pitching it.
So far I have found the tasks easy and I am really looking forward to learn the more challenging stuff.

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Hello world!

My name is Brendan from Vermont, USA…
I’m learning to code because I’m a tech enthusiast and have always dabbled in programming.
I’ve primarily used FreeCodeCamp to learn but have checked out other tools and videos as well.