Welcome to freeCodeCamp's forum

Hi all
I’m new to CodeCamp and fairly new to coding.

When I was about 15 I had a phase of extreme interest in coding, although then I didn’t even realise it was called coding. I just liked being able to manipulate websites (thanks to the movie Hackers (1995) or sending e-mails using the Mac OS X Terminal etc. After some time I got distracted and other things caught my fancy.

Now I want to get back into it, I’ve looked into a few tutorials over the years but never really stuck with it. Nothing really attracted me that much or kept my attention, but CodeCamp seems to do the trick so far.

I also have a general drive to understand how things work…

First book I read was “Creating a Website - the missing manual” by Matthew MacDonald.
You will learn about HTML, CSS and basic JavaScript.
They have also got books on jQuery, PHP and MySql and all of them are great.

Hope it helps,

Hi there,
My name is Maria and I have bumped into coding less than 3 months ago…
I have not been able to stop since.
I am exploring different paths searching for my best learning experience.
I like tutorials and challenges and anything that keeps the practice fun!
Happy coding to you all :wink:

i am siddharthgulia
to make a better future
it’s truly great

Hi Campers,
Im Vadim, a programmer in Saint-Petersburg.

My name is Matthew Krieger (30 years old) and I’m from Connecticut.
In December 2017, I will be completing my computer science degree. Up to this point, that is how I’ve been learning to code.

I hope to get to know other FCC “Campers”.

Hi everyone,
I’m Mickael from Québec
I’m trying to learn coding to be able to develop an application to help in my job.
I’ve some experience with OpenClassroom website, but I like the way to practice with FreeCodeCamp

Have a nice day

Hi! My name is Carlos from Mexico.

I’ve been coding since i was 10, and it’s a beautiful way of creating out of simple ideas.

I’ve been learning React, and dipping my feet into HTML design just for the fun of it.

Hello everyone,

My name is Michael, and I tutor writing and math at a college in New Mexico.

I became interested in penetration testing after hearing about some of the more renowned hacking attacks. After I started to read about how that kind of stuff worked, it led me into programming.

I’ve been ordering books and working through them on my own. I have been studying Ruby and the Linux command line pretty consistently over the last month. I joined freeCodeCamp a while back, but I never really worked on the challenges with any sort of drive. Even though my skill level is still very low, I feel like I have a much better understanding of how things work this time.

I’m looking forward to getting to know you folks!


My name is Dan, I am studying computer science. Before that I studied Informatics in high school.

I am learning to code because I like it.

I used a lot of resources and also got some training at big companies besides what I have learned in school.


  • My name is Nabaht

  • I’m learning to code because I wanna code professionally, and it’s pretty cool and creative.

  • I’ve been learning to code on my own with online coursework from here, Udemy, and with the help of some co-workers.

Hi Campers!

I’m Martin from Cape Town, South Africa.

I started to learn to code yesterday on Free Code Camp. It’s been great!

I want to learn to be a developer as I want to change career path.

I can’t wait to learn :slight_smile as much as possible and get my 1st job! :slight_smile:

Hi fellow campers :slight_smile:
My name is Mado, I’m 26 and trying super hard to learn as much about coding as possible. I am still at a beginner level, but I pursuing a Bachelor’s in Computer Science to help back me up when applying for developer jobs. I am hoping to grow and learn a lot within this community, it seem’s pretty great! I hope to improve my skills as a programmer along with all of you and hopefully one day we can even collaborate on a project together!

  • Mado

My name is Russ.
I am learning to code because I have wanted to develop websites and apps for a long period of time. Hopefully as a second income stream.
freecodecamp is the only site I have been using to learn code. So far I have completed just over 70 of these challenges. It has taken me three evenings to complete these. It is going to be a long process but I am in it for the long haul.


Hi there!

I’m Angela aka Phin.

I’m learning to code because I want to reinvent myself and become a front end web developer.

I’ve been learning on and off for a few years via Codecademy. But I got serious about a month ago and have been going gangbusters. I completed their HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap and Responsive Design modules. I’ve also done some work on Udacity and am plugging through the Front End Dev work on FreeCodeCamp. Though it’s truly challenging (as learning languages is), I’m really enjoying the challenges.

I find the Medium articles and stories from others about how them became developers encouraging and motivating.


Welcome Strangers

I love this freeCodeCamp. Please help me out if I get stuck. Thanks ^_^

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Hi everyone, I’m Rico Robinson. Currently, I’m graduating as a UX Designer in The Netherlands and I’ve been learning to code for a while now.
I want to learn how to code good. I’ve been missing the step between learning languages and semantics and learning how to create something as a whole that can be done professionally.
Basically, I want to create apps and websites with code after I’ve designed them.

So far I’ve learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, C# and C++ as far as programming is concerned. But I want to move it a step up which can only be done by a comprehensive course that covers it all. Like here!

Hello! I am Ebonne and I am learning to code because I am very passionate about turning these skills into a career for myself. I am 23 and would have done this five to ten years ago had someone exposed me to it. freeCodeCamp is my first attempt at coding and it’s been amazing! I want to immerse myself deeply, but my funds are limited. If you guys have any suggestions for other great websites, books, classes, or anything like that I’d be very grateful!

Hi! I’m hilary0 and I was a coder in a past life, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. I want to learn how it’s done now! Maybe I’ll be reincarnated as yet another coder. I’ve been usind freeCodeCamp for two days.

Hello! Glad to find this community and working towards becoming more technical.