Welcome to freeCodeCamp's forum


I am a student aspiring to change the world with coding, I hope to one day be able to create software that will help those who are disabled. My dream is to work with virtual reality, and creating/developing simulations to help people understand each other better, allowing them the opportunity to walk in other people’s shoes. I also wish to develop ways to help those who have a sensory handicap to have easier access to information online.

I have learned to code through my university Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and freecodecamp, as the latter allows me to physically practice what I learned step-by-step, solidifying what I learn in class!

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Willy Jr here…Howdy

My name is Will, been in management for years. I’m learning to code with no expectation of anything other than to learn it because I want to. I would love to be able to turn this into a paying gig in the future, but atm, I don’t hold any false expectations. I only want to learn it and go from there.

I try to spend a little bit of time every day and go through the lessons. I also utilize the past lessons on a separate tab as reference as well as outside web pages for help, when necessary. The only way to truly become proficient is to practice and not let too much time go by without practice. Like anything else, it’s easy to forget if you don’t keep working on it.

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My name is Javier Piedragil.
I’m not really learning to code, it’s more like an update to my programming knowledge.
I’ve been learning programming languages reading books or attending to courses (some of them online).

Hi! everyone ~Manick is my name. I’m an enthusiastic coder helping some local businesses to grow their values with online trends. I love to code all the time and wanted to learn the more and do more in online space. right now I’m surfing around Chennai.You can contact me anytime for code related help :wink:

Hello Codudes and Coladies,

My name is Jonathan and I’m from Los Angeles,

I’m here to learn front end and full stack development because I want to expand my technical skill set.
I’ve been employed as an IT Specialist and Desktop Support Engineer for about 2 years but I love design, troubleshooting and problem solving so I decided to take some courses that would help me round off my hardware skills with some software / coding skills. Plus my girlfriend wants to me to earn more money… Lawyers amirite guy? sheesh.

Anyway, I hope to learn lots from you guys and improve myself as a technical professional =]

Loving this so far, hoping to keep it up my streak.

Hi programmers!!!

I’m kushwanth…I’m 18

I love coding right from the age of 15…
I had never found a platform like this to learn coding…bt this is proving to be helpful…
I have learnt c++ and java bt just basics…and hope to improve upon

I’m Ahammed Shaneeb N K from India. I’m an engineering student. I’m not cs but very interested to learn web development, app development etc. I learn coding by using online portals such as freeCodeCamp, CodeAcademy, HackerRank etc. Hope freeCodeCamp and this community help me a lot in future. Have a nice day to all.

Hello All I’m Ginger.
Currently I am a Front End Developer and I am here to fill in the gaps of my code knowledge. So far it has been an awesome tool. I am mostly self taught hence the gaps. I started with books, tutorials, CodeCademy, Treehouse now FCC. Its about the journey not the destination. There is always something new to learn or something that was missed. So I am refreshing the basics and learning new things as well. Look forward to pairing, getting and giving feedback. happy coding everyone!

Hello, i am yaswanth, i am currently learning front end development in freecodecamp. i am 20yrs old persuing my b.tech in computer science. i read about free code camp in my google news feed.

I am Ravi. I am here to make myself expertise in all UI technologies.

Hi, my name is Mary and I learn to code because I want to be a web developer as my future career. It’s been fun learning coding and being a camper in freeCodeCamp is awesome!

I am saransh and i m from chitkara university.
I m learning code because i love coding.I really feel satisfied while doing coding.It gives me inner relief.
I used to learn coding from my university, from my faculty, from my friends and through Google.

I’m Alistair Brandson, bit of an old timer, 36yrs old from UK.
I’m learning to code because I have fond memories as a child of coding Sinclair BASIC and enjoying it. If it leads to the chance of a new job too then that’s an added bonus.
In my BASIC days we just transcribed pages of code from a magazine and then pressed RUN, shortly after the debugging commenced, followed by code modification…changing sprites, different control methods, etc. More recently I’ve looked at Treehouse, CodeSchool and Codecademy.

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Hi Javi,

Can you recommend me what programming book is instructive?

I’m new in programming.



I’m an old developer that’s mostly doing team leading these days. I want to learn how to code a good web page. So far I’ve learned some CSS and bootstraping.


    Hello world. I am Jared of Australia. At 27 years of age, I am currently a factory worker looking for a career change via becoming more digital literate.
    One good way to do just that is through self-paced learning. I am able to do that through FreeCodeCamp.
    So far, the learning has been very hands-on. I enjoyed pacing through every challenge, though I worry I would not retain most of the information when I am given real projects later on. Still, I'll give it my best shot!

Hello, my name is Phil.
I’ve been writing HTML since 1994, but not as a requirement of a job.
I’ve simply been writing code by downloading source or templates and modifying them to my needs.
I enjoy it and would love to find a job working from home writing code every day.


My name is Glauber. I’m a developer with back-end experience using .NET. My front-end experiences are mainly using ASP.NET WebForms and MVC. I came here to enhance my front-end development skills, mainly using HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery and CSS3, as well as Bootstrap.

Most of my learning experiences came from real-life projects in companies where I’ve learned things on-the-fly. That includes my current JavaScript, jQuery and CSS knowledge. It was a good experience, but I feel like I’ve skipped some basic stuff that could have solidified my basis in these subjects.

I think FreeCodeCamp is a great initiative. I’ve been trying to complete the course, but for many reasons (like work and personal life demands) I couldn’t. This time, I think I can go through it until the end.

Hi im Kla.Sta and i have been learning to code to change my job and lifestyle i started with basic HTML and CSS book by John Duckett latter i have tired out Codeacademy.com and now I’m here :smiley: