Welcome to freeCodeCamp's forum

Richie Wong

I have always been interested in programming, I decided to make a career change and to purse something I’m interested in.

My main resources for learning how to code has been freeCodeCamp and w3schools.


My name is Melissa, and I have started learning how to code using freeCodeCamp!

I’m learning to code to gain more skills to enter a new career field. I took a Computer Science back in high school, and while I enjoyed it, I didn’t continue developing my skills in this area. This has been a regret of mine, so I am doing something about it!

I’m excited to keep learning!

All the best,

Hello all! I’m Jen, In the US and looking to learn coding skills to help branch out in my existing work. I wish you all the best and success in your coding adventures.


Having a lot of fun so far.
As retired IT guy I want to stay up to date.
Started with Tandy TRS-80 on Basic and Z80 assembler.
Moved on with Pascal, C, Visual Basic, Java, Python and now HTML stuff.
Just wondering how far I can go.

Hi , I’m Vasin Viacheslav.
I want to find better job.
From your web page.

Hi Everyone!

I’m Max, currently studying in Canada.

I’ve just started to code a month ago. With my future path leading to biotechnology, I think that picking up coding will be more useful than picking up a pipette.

I hope to create something that will shorten the process of drug discovery.

Have a good day :slight_smile:

Hey my name is Tanner,

I’m learning code because I have my degree in graphic design but I need to learn more about coding to make my companies website better than it is currently.

I learned a little bit of code in college for Graphic Design but I need to know more.

Hello, I’m Yasmin! I plan to major in computer science so I decided to why not teach myself a little? It’s amazing how much I learned in a couple of days with FFC :smiley:

Hi everyone!

I’m Yudha from Indonesia. Why i’m learning code? Because i want to make all kind of business here(in programming world). Also want to be a great programmer that inspired by hacker. Haahaha ridiculous!

Good Luck All!!


I originally finished school and became a pilot, only to realized being gone all the time and not having a stable schedule is not for me. I have always wanted to learn to code and decided now was the best time. I tried codeacademy but then found FCC and decided it seemed to be a better place to learn, with all of the community interaction and all. I’ve gone through the html, css and bootstrap lessons, and now I am onto jQuery.

Hello everyone! I’m Veronica :smile: I recently turned into an adult. I say that because I am associated with the unschooler/self-taught community. And I cannot graduate from learning.

I want to prove to people that it’s possible to get a web development job even if I haven’t gone to school. I do like to code, it’s just that I have a kind of a “take that!” mentality most of the time. I believe life is a game filled with achievements to be unlocked. And getting a web development job would be one of them. Technically I already have one…but I’ll quit rambling :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been learning through assignments from my job by looking up terms on duckduckgo.


My name is Ligia and I’m an architect!

I’m learning coding because I would like to edit my own websites.

I watch some videos on YouTube and use Free Code Camp to learn. Everyone is awesome here, it’s a great community :slight_smile:

Hello, my name is Jacob and I’m currently a university student. I’m learning to code so that I gain some new skills in this competitive world. I’ve learned to code a bit in school and I’ve been looking for resources to further my knowledge. So far this is my favourite site.

Hello I am Junar A. Jacob from Philippines
I want to learn to code.
Thank you.

Hello everyone,
I am a baby coder from South Korea and have a lot of ideas for apps but not the skill sets for developing them. That’s why I am here. So far it’s been a great learning experience and thank you very much for creating such a wonderful platform to learn and experiment. Looking forward to code and contribute. :relaxed:

My name is Steven, I am an electrical engineering student from Canada. My first internship as a network specialist has presented me several challenges with regards to my programing skills so far. I have learned C++ in school from a pen and paper approach which I believe has taught me nothing and I would like to actually code something useful.

Hello world! My name is Patrick. My first computer was a Commodore-64 attached to a 13-inch color TV with no remote (1983)! I’ve been throwing code since then. Built my first webpage in 94-95?
My first instruction (excepting magazines, etc.) came in the form of a book in 2001, Java X.X, don’t recall which version. Irregardless, it was ultimately a dead-end. I was frantically busy as a geologist (B.S. '94), travelling 3-5 days per week and working 7. Since then, I was downsized, received my AAS in WD, and am set to graduate from ASU next May. Happy to be here, this is, imho, a great way to keep skills fresh!
Good luck and Happy coding!!

Hello everyone! Ive been learning a bit of C++ and java from a few different sources and was recommended freecodecamp. Starting all over on the map but really enjoying it so far. I currently work in the medical field but am aiming to completely jump into a programming as I have more of a passion for it. Take care of me senpais!:pray::pray::pray:

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Hi Everyone!

  • My name is Josh and I'm looking for a career change. I'm currently a social worker and I'm trying to learn more about coding given my forever love of nerdy things, like computers, tech, D&D, and math. I think it's time to embrace myself and my inner nerddom awesomeness!
  • I started coding my myspace page in like 2004 and I have some experience with improvising code when I was asked to edit my research lab's website in 2011, but recently got serious about it in the last two weeks. I've been trying to code every day and learn more about the tech industry daily.
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Hello World! I’m Sergio. I’m just a student who plans on becoming a software engineer in the future.

I’ve started learning code for 2 main reasons, experience for becoming a software engineer and so I can learn how to make apps.

I’ve been learning to code relatively fast, less than half of the time it says its going to take. I hope I keep it up.