Welcome to freeCodeCamp's forum

Hey everyone,

My name is Ian Buchanan. I live in Norristown, PA with my wife and son. I work in Special Education in a local public elementary school. I am learning to code so that I can possess, develop and master a marketable job skill. The opportunities for professional development and advancement at my current job are very slim if not non-existent. I tried Code Academy which was helpful learning HTML and CSS but I have found FCC to be more instructive with better features and a more widely developed curriculum. Feel free to contact me! I would love to get to know other people who share the same goal and love for learning!

Best Regards,

Ian Buchanan

hi I’m Steve. I’m learning to code with freecodecamp so that I can polish my skills for a full time job. So far I’m 10/2000 hours into it and the challenges have been review so far. Bootstrap was new to me but simple to learn. I can’t wait to dive into the tough stuff!

Ha! I’ve been teaching as a Special Education teacher for the last 5 years. I am deciding to switch back to my original career path of web development. I’m in Indianapolis. Cheers!

Hi there, my name is SemperPrimus and I am new to this forum as well as to code. I am learning code because I want to be a developer and code camp has been great.

Hii. I am Anchal Kansal.
I am a college student.
I am learning to code to improve my skills furthermore.
I have been learning code through online websites, and college.

Hi Campers!
I’m Tom.
I’m an adjunct Prof at ACC. I’m also certified in software testing and have used the WYSIWYG programs, like DreamWeaver and WordPress. I also work on our departments WordPress site so I’m brushing up on coding.

Happy camping!

Hello everyone!
I’m Franco, from Argentina. I’m a mechatronics engineering student.
I’ve learnt to program in C during my college classes and now i want to learn more about computer science. This program seems very promising, so that’s why i am here.
I am looking forward to start co-working with you guys in new challenging projects! Do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a great day and keep coding!

Hello all! My name is Noelle, and I am re- dedicating myself to coding. I’ve been working at it for several years, but only recently have I figured out an idea that I want to build. Keeping this in mind, I’ve decided to rejoin Free Code Camp to give me a structure to stick with.

Hi everyone my name is Joe. I live in Utah. I’ve always been someone who likes to build things and see it all come together. (i.e. building a computer) I’ve always been very curious about software/web development and what makes the apps we use every day tick. I’ve recently enrolled in a 6-month coding bootcamp sponsored by the University of Utah that I’ll be starting this month. freeCodeCamp was recommended by my student success manager. So here I am! I love it so far and look forward to keep going.

Hello. I’m Hamza. I’m learning to code due to several reasons: first, I get several ideas for internet startups mainly and the sole hurdle I encounter is not being able to materialize it myself owing to a lack of knowing how to make applications etc; secondly, I love programming and it is something I deeply enjoy; thirdly, it is a useful skill to learn; lastly, I just want to be a gazillionaire and programming is what will take me there.
I’ve been learning to code from my university college courses, FreeCodeCamp, HackerRank, books, and CodeCademy.

Hello everyone!

My name is Kevin and I’m a 20-year-old beginning his coding/CS/tech journey this summer. I attend Claremont McKenna College and plan on completing a CS major through Harvey Mudd College and a Chinese minor through Pomona College. I look forward to learning more through this forum and hopefully interacting with some of you.

Kind regards,

Hello, my name is Zach Pierce. I am learning coding so I can learn a new skill and open new opportunities.
I’v learned some code by doing the freeCodeCamp challenges and taking an online web development course by Colt Steele. :smile:

Hi Campers,
I’m myadev from Indonesia, I’ve interest in web app development, I hope can be an expert developer and make living with this skill. I’ve been learning to code since vocational school.

Hi ! Ben !
I’m Kent ! i’m from in Vietnam and now a university in Ukraine !
i’m came to Freecodecamp, because i want to be programmer, designer UI, website :smiley:
Thanks for the guidance :smiley: !!!

My name is Shelton Louis I’m learning code to become a Digital Marketer Ive been using this website to learn code

Hi all,

I am Shivaram. I am working at indigo airlines.

I am learning to code because It is fun.

I am learning to code so far through free code camp, codeacademy, and also through books.

I am Cytzix and I learn code, because its fun! Furthermore I want to make apps and automate work. FCC is a great place to start! I am doing well currently with the progress.

Hello everyone!

I am Roy, a 24 year old Dutch guy.

Wanting to code for a while, but couldn’t stick to any program/tutorial online. Until I came a cross a video on YouTube about Free Code Camp. Been going through the first assignments for the past three days and love it so far! At the moment I am at assignment no. 95, obviously as it suggests to get on the Forum.

Really curious where Free Code Camp will take me.

Hello everyone,
I’m Dimitris, a 30 year old Telecommunications Engineer in Alexandroupolis,Greece.I’m very happy to be here and go my knowledge one step further.
I’ve had limited experience with coding,and i’m very excited to be here!


Hi my name is Thane

I am learning to code as a career change

I have read books, done online courses and watch videos