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I’m Mochamad Syarief Maulana from Indonesia, people usually called me Alan.
I started to learn web development since i’m 14, but i stopped for 2 years for school, my school give me many homework and i got no time for web development.
Now, i want to go deeper in web development through freeCodeCamp.

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Hello, my name is Logan Roberts. I am learning to code because I as I’ve slowly learned about coding over the past few years it seems like a great career route to take. I have worked a bunch of whatever, blue collar jobs and nothing seems to really click well. Coding is interesting because the way my brain feels and operates while I code is the same way it feels when I work on a painting as well. it is an artistic expression in a whole new way for me. I have been learning on free resources so far, the biggest one being here at freecodecamp.

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Hi all,

I have been all over the place learning how to code for the last 2+ years. Started with teamtreehouse.com and then went out into the world wild web to gobble up anything and everything I could. The path was not very structured to say the least, but some projects got made for my employers during that time. I sprinted through freeCodeCamp about a year ago, but that left a lot of gaps in my understanding of how everything fit togethers. I would like to go over the new coursework at a slower pace this time around!

I’m an ex-musician turned working professional, who’s always loved and been interested in tech, especially software. Born and raised in Hamilton, ON

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I’m Vathna. I’m 18 years old. I’m from Cambodia. I’m in Foundation year in Computer Science.
I want to improve my Coding skill .

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Hi everyone!

I’m 19 years old and I am a third year university student, studying Electrical Engineering.

I have taken a few computer science courses at university. I’ve really enjoyed the courses I’ve taken so far, and I love the mental exercise of solving problems analytically. I don’t know if I am going to pursue a career in software, but I figure that learning to code will be useful in whatever field I decide to go into.

The tutorials I’ve taken here so far have been very helpful, and I enjoy being able to learn at my own pace.


Hi coders!

I’m Seth and I am new to coding! I enjoy coding because it is amazing to see the code I type in turn into websites that look nice and function well. I also know that code has potential for big salaries and that is a perk. I am currently enrolled in an Informatics degree program and have learned a little code but most of my coding experience has been online at places like code academy, free code camp, and pluralsight.

Hi Everyone,

I’m Andrew from the Netherlands, I am a trained biologist but am looking to switch professions. I have been building websites for over 10 years as a hobby so most HTML and CSS don’t have many surprises for me anymore. Also have been using bootstrap on and off, same goes for a jQuery. Although having started with JS about 3 years back I tend to like vanilla JS better.

I did a Coursera course on Meteor.js (and MongoDB) but as you need a server running node.js for that, and there aren’t many servers for hire at prices that are feasible for private individuals, I stopped investing any more time into meteor.js. I also did a short course on React.js by Wes Bos (https://reactforbeginners.com/), which was much more to my liking. You can just use a BAAS sort of solution like firebase from Google. I have also done a few short courses with code academy and other online learning sites.

I wish I had found this “project” much earlier because haveing no formal programming training completing this gives some semblance of credence to my claims of programming prowess and could provide me with more programming examples in my GitHub repository.

See you around,

Hello everyone. My name is Lee and I am a 45 year old HTML/CSS guy. I have been out of the programming world for a while due to losing some interest in it and deciding to go the hardware side of computing for a little bit. Although hardware is fun and exciting, I found that my true love is developing. I happened to come upon FCC and started bringing my skills up-to-date. My favorite part so far has been the Bootstrap segment. I look forward to completing all portions of the challenges so that I can get a position in web and software development.


Hi Eva, I’m just finishing up at a bootcamp in Portland as well, and a student at OIT in IT, and I feel the same way. I learned the surface of several languages, but I need to gain depth to put it all together and I think real world projects are the way to go. Have you joined any coding meetups in your area? Up here we have a brach of Women Who Code and they are really great.

Hello everyone!

I’m Tina, 33 and I live in London. Coding is new to me, I’ve never considered it before. But now that I’m a mum, I have decided to change my career to something more family friendly. And coding seems to be the right thing for me!!!

Happy coding everyone :slight_smile:

Hello Campers,

I am Juan and I am learning to code so that I can work from the beach one day. I have been coding since Spring '16.


Hello fellow coders.

I am a lost student, who could not figure out what to do with my life. So now I’m learning to code, to hopefully find my way towards an interesting career.

I have just been following fraacodecamps tasks so far and been enjoying it. :slight_smile:

Have a nice weekend y’all


Hey y’all I’m Pedro been a broadcast designer (motion gfx/video editing) for the last 20 yrs and dabbled with some code a couple years back and got totally hooked was way to busy then to focus but I’m crazy committed to learning how to code and make the transition to a FT dev.

Why: originally my motivation was innocent learn to JS to create some scripts for After effects that would me in my daily workflow, but I kept noticing me drifting away from my main focus (HAHA) and my brain would just light up with ideas, so I started to take some basic classes @ my local college and I’m so hooked, CODE RUINED MY LIFE cause now all I wanna do is code FT, and instead of being creative I find myself drifting thinking of stuff to build and how. And although I’m sure back-end is where my passion lies, I want to be a well rounded professional and honestly saw a YT video of Quincy and he seemed like such a straight forward cool dude I figured his idea/program has to be a reflection of the honesty of this dude so here I am. Of course the reviews solidified my decision.

How: I took some basic classes for the computer programming program @ my local college where I learned Intro to Logic, C, C#, plus other basic network and security classes relevant to how it all works. But I’m was attempting to do this @ night and they have very limited classes offerings for the night students, so as I got stuck waiting for classes to pop. I found this course (which I started 2 days ago - 6/1) and my work offers free Lynda access so I’m working on the Ruby course, plus other online rails tuts on YT.

I wish there was more of an open source curriculum for this but it’s all so subjective more of a blueprint or roadmap, something that tell a noob like myself this is what you have to do and this is the time you should complete this by, which is why I like this course, seems like there’s a clear path to learning.

So cya all around and in advance … pardon me for all the idiotic questions ;). Happy coding!

I am Moniruzzaman Mahadi.
I am a school student.
And I am loving it.

  • I’m an IT college student
  • I’m afraid I have no future
  • Dang good GPA with no skill

My name is Alex Avila. I’m learning to code for fun. This is my first attempt

Hello everyone,

My name is Munir. I am a software Engineering Student. I would like to improve my programming abilities and get to know new technologis, developers and learners.

Happy Coding…

Hello everyone;
I’m Joe, I’m 30 and I currently live in Brighton, England.
I am a musician of sorts and I’m obsessed with sound and technology.
I’m learning to code because it’s an empowering and creative way of logical thinking, and that’s fun!

I’ve been pragmatically working my way through FCC’s lessons, and I’m really enjoying them. They’re addictive and I feel like they’re seductively tempting me down exiting new career paths. I love to learn and dream of one day working in an environment that encourages learning and development through problem solving. Either that or be an astronaut?

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Hi there,

I’m a 28 y old psychologist from Germany, becoming a therapist during the following years. I want to learn web development because I love the way of thinking and problem solving. This way, I give variety to my working life. :slight_smile:
I started with a course on udemy (The complete web developer course 2.0) and continued learning with FFC.
I’m looking forward to the learning process that lays ahead!

Let’s have fun coding!

Best regards,

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Hello All,
My name is Emmanuel Odubele from Nigeria. I’m currently studying LLB.
I have always loved to build interactive web application and soft wares targeted at solving problems and thereby making life easy for everyone.

I have find freeCodeCamp very fascinating and easy to use

Thank you guys.