If you understand how it is currently working to create an array that starts at 0 and ends at 4, how can you change your logic to create an array that starts at 5 and ends with 0?
That will create an infinite loop because i will always be larger than 0. Your array will start with [5,6,7,8…] and continue until the browser crashes.
@Johny05 Your code starts with i = 0, so the first value pushed to myArray will be 0. The second number will be 1, because i++ assigns the value 1 to i, and so on and so on. What number should you start i at to accomplish what the instructions ask? Also, what condition in the while loop should occur to stop looping. Finally, how do you need to adjust the value of i at the end of the for loop code block, so that i decreases by 1 each time?