Whats wrong in this code please help...palindrom checker

Tell us what’s happening:

function palindrome(str) {


  str=str.toLowerCase().replace("/[\W_]/g", "");

  for(var i=0,len=str.length-1;i<len/2;i++){


  return false;



  return true;



Your code so far

function palindrome(str) {

str=str.toLowerCase().replace("/[\W_]/g", "");
for(var i=0,len=str.length-1;i<len/2;i++){
return false;


return true;


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Challenge: Palindrome Checker

Link to the challenge:

The pattern for string.replace can either be a string or a Regex, therefore you should be careful how you pass the argument:

replace("/[\W_]/g", "");

As here you have passed a String as pattern, instead of a regex.

Regex example:

myString.replace(/[\D_]/g, "")

Hope it helps :sparkles:

Why can’t you use split, reverse, join on a string to test if it’s palindrome, your code will be reduced to 1-2 lines.

maybe, but it’s more performing with the loop. Also, golf code is rarely a good habit