Why can't I connect to JSON when I try the same example on jsfiddle?

  $(document).ready(function() {

    $("#getMessage").on("click", function(){
      // Only change code below this line.
      $.getJSON("https://www.freecodecamp.org/json/cats.json", function(json) {
      // Only change code above this line.


	.message{height: 400px;}	

		<div class="message">
			The message will go here
		<button id="getMessage">Button</button>

My code is not rendering on jsfiddle, even though it works on this exercise:

Ok so I made a local .json file, called weather.json and calling it locally, but it is still not outputting any data! Am I doing something wrong? My code is below… and I attached a screenshot with stuff thats in my json file…

JSON FILE CONTENTS: (attaching screenshot)weatherjsonfile

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><title> get JSON data from API </title>

  $(document).ready(function() {

    $("#getMessage").on("click", function(){
      // Only change code below this line.
      $.getJSON("weather.json", function(json) {
      // Only change code above this line.


	.message{height: 400px;}	

		<div class="message">
			The message will go here
		<button id="getMessage">Button</button>


Unless you’re running it on a local server, you’re trying to get a file:// rather than an http:// resource, seciurity restrictions mean that won’t work