Tell us what’s happening:
I’m doing the Perform Classic Updates by Running Find, Edit, then Save project under Back End Development and APIs - MongoDB and Mongoose section.
But I couldn’t push the new value foodToAdd to the favoriteFoods field because it’s undefined . It says “TypeError: Cannot read property ‘push’ of undefined”.
What’s going wrong with my code?? Thank you!
Your code
const personSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
age: Number,
favoriteFoods: [String]
const Person = mongoose.model("Person", personSchema);
const findLily = async () => {
const lily = new Person({ name: "Lily", age: 5, favoriteFoods: ["Vanilla Cake", "Lollipop"] });
const found = await Person.find({ name: "Lily" });
console.log(found.favoriteFoods); // undefined
console.log(typeof (found.favoriteFoods)); // undefined
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Challenge: Perform Classic Updates by Running Find, Edit, then Save
Link to the challenge:
It’s been a while since I’ve done Mongoose.
I don’t see where you’re trying to push. And what does found log out as?
Hello @jadeyw7 , I think your problem is that model.find() returns an array. Your code would work if you used model.findOne() which returns an object. Hope this helps.
Hi @kevinSmith ! Sorry I didn’t put the push code there. The code should be:
const findLily = async () => {
const lily = new Person({ name: "Lily", age: 5, favoriteFoods: ["Vanilla Cake", "Lollipop"] });
const found = await Person.find({ name: "Lily" });
console.log(found.favoriteFoods); // undefined
console.log(typeof (found.favoriteFoods)); // undefined
found.favoriteFoods.push("hamburger"); // TypeError: Cannot read property ‘push’ of undefined
Also, the found returned in the terminal as:
_id: new ObjectId("622a42f4f8b0845116189886"),
name: 'Lily',
age: 5,
favoriteFoods: [ 'Vanilla Cake', 'Lollipop' ],
__v: 0
But thanks to @Slimattcode - I changed Model.find() to Model.findOne() and it works perfectly!!
Thank you both for your help!
Hi @Slimattcode ! You are right!!! It works now! Thank you so much!!
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September 9, 2022, 9:55am
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