Why returning undefined in array as output?

Tell us what’s happening:

I tired using map ,passed current element and index, checked whether current element is falsy?
then i tired to remove from the array using splice method.

Your code so far

function bouncer(arr) {
// Don't show a false ID to this bouncer.

let newarr=arr.map((el,i)=>{
return newarr;

console.log(bouncer([7, "ate", "", false, 9]));
// [ undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined,  ] 

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Challenge: Falsy Bouncer

Link to the challenge:

Mr RandellDawson
1.Why should i not mutate the orignal array on which i am mapping? is it a bad practice?

function bouncer(arr) {
  // Don't show a false ID to this bouncer.

  let newarr=arr.map((el,i)=>{
      return el;
  return newarr;

let x=bouncer([7, "ate", "", false, 9]);

// [ 7, 'ate', '', 9,  ]
// undefined
  1. Above function does not evaluate Boolean("")as false why ?? You can confirm this in returned array.
  2. Why the last element of array is undefined ? Since i returned the value.

I tried using live Programming Mode , i was unable to understand why it returned undefined as last element.
If you can help please.

  1. Correct do no mutate the array!
  2. It does evaluate as false, you have other issues
  3. See below

Look at the Visualize Code again ( paste code here: http://pythontutor.com/javascript.html#mode=edit )

What happens to arr around step 10-11?

in your .map Method when i=4, what is arr equal to ? and what is arr[4]?

Once you answers these it should answer your #1 question and we can hint you into a different approach to filter the array for this challenge :slight_smile:

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Around step 10-11 Boolean("") evalutes to true and it returns as el. Same this does not happen with Boolean(false). ?? Why is this happening i don’t understand
I got that map is running till i=4 , i think it is because i remove the a element from original array now at i=4 nothing exist

Boolean("") is false … but !Boolean("") is true … so line 6 (in the image below) is run which mutates the array.

'' is removed and now arr[2] is false and arr[3] is 9

STEP 10:

STEP 11:

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Ok so i changed the line if(Boolean(el)===false) rest is same. But the output is same :blush: Why?

Boolean(el)===false) is the same as ! Boolean(el) :slight_smile:

Is there maybe another array Method you could use that would filter the results for a True/False value and you wouldn’t need to you Boolean() at all?

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Yes i did it using

let newarr=[];
for(let i=0;i<arr.length;i++){
  return newarr;

It passes all the test result. Using filter i guess it will go like this arr.filter( falsy=>Boolean(falsy))

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I wanted to use map somehow, now after running this piece of code below i am sure that if u don’t return any thing in map by default it will return undefined. I think we cannot skip returning undefined in map.

function bouncer(arr) {
let newarr=arr.map((el,i)=>{
          return el
  return newarr;

console.log(bouncer([7, "ate", "", false, 9]));
//[ 7, 'ate', undefined, undefined, 9 ]


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Congrats! I like the arr.filter( falsy=>Boolean(falsy)) answer!

Ya, map was not the best approach here… i mean you could have used it but it’s not really what it is for:

function bouncer(arr) {
  // Don't show a false ID to this bouncer.
  let temp = []
  arr.map( i => {if(Boolean(i)) temp.push(i)})
  return temp
bouncer([7, "ate", "", false, 9]);

You can kind of hack it together (basically your code using map or forEach) but best to use filter when looking for a true/false thing; such as “Is user online?” … use filter.

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Thank you so much. i appreciate it

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So Mr Randell from where i can read about it. I know you know it by experience. What other things should i read