While I don’t know if this isn’t just a case of a broken link, developers often use blank images while coding a sites’ layout. Create the layout now, add the actual images later. Saves you the time to find, download and use placeholder images.
There is even an api offering blank images in every possible format.
I understand some images may be used as placeholders, I do this myself.
But it feels like there might be more to it.
The website already sets a colour, why would it also need an image of the same colour?
Does this mean the website is unfinished?
I’m aware that temporary choices are made early on, that end up in a project long after they are no longer needed.
Which often leaves me feeling a little uneasy. Since I’m still learning.
I’d rather ask than assume… Just in case there is another reason I’m unaware of.
To be honest, I can kind of understand doing this on purpose. Over the years I’ve seen lots of users complain about the layout or colors of a website being ugly or unuseable and it turns out it’s because they have a browser extension that is overriding the CSS. When you’re building a UI, one of the important parts of acccessiblity is contrast, so you need to control the color of the foreground and the background.