Write Higher Order Arrow Functions map and filter

Tell us what’s happening:
I super don’t understand filter() or map(). I have looked at code samples and MDN and W3 Schools and I still don’t understand how to use it. I just now have a basic understanding of WHY you would use it.

Your code so far

const realNumberArray = [4, 5.6, -9.8, 3.14, 42, 6, 8.34, -2];
const squareList = (arr) => {
  "use strict";
  // change code below this line
  const squaredIntegers = arr;
  // change code above this line
  return squaredIntegers;
// test your code
const squaredIntegers = squareList(realNumberArray);

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Link to the challenge:

  • filter

loops over an array, and return a new array containing only the value that were true for the provided function callback.

This means that the following two examples are equivalent:

const a = [1, 10, 3, 20, 15, 4];

// use built in filter
const withFilter = a.filter(val => val >= 10);

// we create it imperatively
const manualFilter = arr => {
  // new array
  let newArr = [];
  // loop over
  for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    // keep only value that are true
    if(arr[i] >= 10) {
  // return new array
  return newArr
const manual = manualFilter(a);

console.log(a); // [ 1, 10, 3, 20, 15, 4 ]
console.log(withFilter); // [ 10, 20, 15 ]
console.log(manual); // [ 10, 20, 15 ]

As you can see they both produce the same output, since both loop, return a new array with only the true values

  • map
    Likewise filter, map loop over an array and return a new array, but with the values “updated” to what is returned from the provided function.
const a = [1, 10, 20];

// use built in filter
const withMap = a.map(val => val + 10);

// we create it imperatively
const manualMap = arr => {
  // new array
  let newArr = [];
  // loop over
  for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    // add the new updated value
    newArr.push(arr[i] + 10);
  // return new array
  return newArr
const manual = manualMap(a);

console.log(a); // [ 1, 10, 20 ]
console.log(withMap); // [ 11, 20, 30 ]
console.log(manual); // [ 11, 20, 30 ]
  • arrow function

Lastly, remember that arrow functions are an alternative syntax to regular functions, with the return statement implicit.
So the two are equivalent

array.map(function(val) {
  return val + 10

array.map( (val) => val + 10)

[phew] that was long,
I hope it will help in your attempt to map and / or filter the array :wink:


map lets you apply a function to each item in the array.
filter returns an item only if a function returns true
both only take functions as arguments
both methods return a new array
think of it as a for loop but easier to write

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I understand it now!!! Thank you so much!!!