step 62:
Create another p element, give it the text Calcium 260mg 20% . Align 20% to the right.
code doesn’t pass because
" Your first new p element should have the text Calcium 260mg 20% ."
My code so far: <p>Calcium 260mg <span class="right"> 20%</span> </p>
Everything looks good in the preview and this step is a repeat of previous steps that passed easily … it just won’t pass. what am I doing wrong?
I’ve tried adjusting the spacing, copy-pasting the text then aligning…
I tried your code and it passed for me. I think we will need to see more of your code than just that one line. Maybe just copy/paste the entire HTML in here.
Thanks for the response. I was about to paste the full code when I realised I had gone ahead and added code for step 63 as well. I removed it and it ran.
Thanks again.
Hola como estas. No me sale el paso 63, pudiste pasar ese paso ? No me sale sale el tema de poner el no-divider. No lo entiendo que estoy haciendo mal.