

:wave: Hi, I’m Ibai Fernández (@ibaifernandez), 35 yo Spanish guy living in Ecuador for the last 7 years.

:star_struck: Coming from a quite diverse academic background (communication, audiovisual production, acting, teaching…), I am currently living and working as a marketer as the head of my own digital agency, AGLAYA (https://aglaya.biz). I have also fathered a couple cool entrepeneurships: Andariega (https://andariega.store), which is an artisanal design workshop of paper-related craftmanship and Índika (https://indika.ec), a very special kombucha with much less acetic acid than other kombuchas (and ten times the amount of alcohol).

:innocent: I’ve grown a bit tired of the marketing industry down here in Ecuador, where digital marketing still seems to be a bit of a futuristic utopy for most of this wonderful country’s citizens, and so, fascinated as I’ve always been about code, coding and coders, I’ve decided to take a crucial step to a career-changing experience by learning to code as much as possible.

:performing_arts: Beyond the professional facet of my life, I’d been quite a traveler till I settled down in Ecuador, and have been always interested about creation in many forms which I’ve somehow undertake in, such as writing, acting, music, and filmmaking.

:computer: Coding-wise, I’ve been playing around for a few weeks trying to grasp a general understanding of HTML, CSS, and JS in order to gear up with a bit of basic knowledge before committing myself to the real journey ahead, which I’ve decided to undertake working out The Odin Project’s curriculum.

:seedling: So, basically, I am currently learning the basics of web development (HTML, CSS and JS), although what I’d really forward to learning is how to work with data.

:revolving_hearts: I’m looking to collaborate on every project with imply a challenge to whatever knowledge I’ve already acquired and you can reach me thry my email (info@ibaifernandez.com - website to be developed as I learn more about how to do it on my own), Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram (@ibaifernandezec), LinkedIn (ibai-fernandez) and Discord (ibaifernandez).