30+ and got first developer job

Selamat pagi, yoskakomba!

I lived in Bali teaching English for 1 year and only picked up a tiny amount of Indonesian (everybody knows English there!). But I loved Indonesia and found Indonesian people to be unique, friendly, and hard-working.

I’m also in my 30’s and starting this new journey, with constant doubt, so it’s great to read your story on a Tuesday morning as I start my morning with some practice on Codecademy. I’ve had 5 years as an IT technical support analyst, and I’m looking to do something that will leverage my creativity and critical thinking skills more, thus I’m starting to try to learn code.

Terimah kasi! Thanks for sharing your story.

Man these kinds of stories really touches the soul. As, I’m still a learner I hope I also get a good job.

Congratulations on getting where you are. You earned it. Now, never stop learning and improving.

nice. I’m from Indonesia too