Hey coders!
So, I built a (mildly) interesting word game in Java which uses the JavaFX framework for the front-end. If you’ve played Microsoft’s Wordament game earlier, it’s sort of similar to that except with a relaxed version of features and my own design implementation. I spent a good deal of my free time on it, so I’m excited to know what you guys think.
You can download the JAR here - https://github.com/gravetii/wordagam/releases/download/v1.6/wordagam-1.6.jar [Requires Java 10].
If you’re interested in the implementation along with some explanation on the code, I wrote an article on Medium. You might want to check that out - https://medium.com/@sandeepdasika/how-i-built-a-simple-word-game-in-java-using-javafx-8fba925b71c6
Please leave your feedback on the game!