A should be assigned to b with = help

Tell us what’s happening:
‘not sure what i’m doing wrong’

Your code so far

// Setup
var a;
var b = 2;

// Only change code below this line

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Challenge: Storing Values with the Assignment Operator

Link to the challenge:

Assign the value 7 to variable a .

Assign the contents of a to variable b .
you don’t need to set the value of b to 7
you only need to do excatly what is written above

when i remove b=7
i get, a should have a value of 7,
b should have a value of 7
and, a should be assigned to be with =

this still results in the statement, “a should be assigned to b with =”

1 // Setup
2 var a;
3 var b = 2;
5 // Only change code below this line
6 a=7
7 b=a

That worked, thank you.