Action in Reducer React-Redux


I am having a hard time to understand in the code below where these “action.list”, “action.quoteIndex”, “action.colorIndex” are from?
How do all these above come from? Are they from “state”?

From what I understand, “action” in React-Redux is an object with “type” filed and “payload” for extra data if needed: “action.type” and “action.payload”.
Or did I miss anything?

// ===================== Reducer =====================
export const quoteReducer = (state = defaultState, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case LOADING:
      return {
        loading: true
    case FETCH_QUOTE:
      const quoteIndex = getRandomNum(action.list.length);
      const colorIndex = getRandomNum(state.colors.length);
      return {
        list: action.list,
        background: state.colors[colorIndex],
        current: action.list[quoteIndex],
        loading: false
    case NEW_QUOTE:
      return {
        current: state.list[action.quoteIndex],
        background: state.colors[action.colorIndex]
      return state;

The React-Redux code above use mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps together.

const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
  return {
    background: state.background,
    list: state.list,
    colors: state.colors,
    loading: state.loading,
    current: state.current

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
  fetchQuote: () => dispatch(fetchQuote()),
  newQuote: (quoteIndex, colorIndex) =>
    dispatch(newQuote(quoteIndex, colorIndex))

Thank you for the helps.

It is an object with a type field and any number of other fields.

Thank you for the reply.
so how does action get these other extra field?
I am not so clear how and where action got these extra fields from.

You just write them.

  type: "example",
  foo: true,
  bar: "hi",
  baz: [1,2,3,4],

I have never seen this type of writing for action before, but in this example I also don’t see any writing like this for action.
The codes for Action in this example are here:

// ===================== Create Action =====================

const fetchQuote = () => (dispatch) => {
  dispatch({ type: LOADING });
    .then((res) => res.json())
    .then((json) => {
      dispatch({ type: FETCH_QUOTE, list: json.quotes });

const newQuote = (quoteIndex = 0, colorIndex = 0) => {
  return {
    type: NEW_QUOTE,
    quoteIndex: quoteIndex,
    colorIndex: colorIndex

You have:

    type: "NEW_QUOTE",
    quoteIndex: quoteIndex,
    colorIndex: colorIndex
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Ah I see. I thought these are to update the “state”… did not know these are actually attached to “action”.
Thank you very much for the helps!

Np. Note an action is just a plain object with a type property and some other properties. That’s it, nothing more. In your example, the action is being created using a function, and the type is using a variable, but it’s still just a plain object. Those abstractions been added over the top for the benefit of that particular program I assume, but the action is still just that plain object.

Thank you. Yes, I knew “action” is just an object. I was just so confused with those new fields or properties written in these action creator functions and was not linking them to “action” except “type”.

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