Already nothing is working with my tribute page

I’m working on my tribute page project right now, and even though I am using the “main” tag and “title” tag, the tester says it does not see either of them. What’s going on?

<script src=""></script>


<title> Bite me </title>

But isn’t it telling me to use those?

"User Story #1: My tribute page should have an element with a corresponding id=“main”, which contains all other elements.

User Story #2: I should see an element with a corresponding id=“title”, which contains a string (i.e. text) that describes the subject of the tribute page (e.g. “Dr. Norman Borlaug”)."

OK, I think I’ve got it. It’s not talking about using those tags, it about setting them as IDs for elements.

I put in <head id="main"></head> but it still doesn’t register.

And already this is entirely confusing. I know I did all those challenges, though. I will try playing around with the meta tags in the settings thing, I think.

Not to insult the program or anything, but I learned more from following this guy’s video than I did practicing half of those challenges, and the test feature thing still says it’s not working, which I wasn’t expecting it to.

Am I at least on the right track? Here’s the updated version:

OK, so I updated it, and after giving in and just copying the entirety of someone else’s tribute page, I saw how the format of it is supposed to be, and that it should have been <h1 id="title"> Title </h1>.

But how do I learn like this? I tried looking up how to take notes while programming before starting this course, but they all said it’s not necessary. I practiced the challenges. And yet when it comes time to perform, just as I expected, I didn’t remember how to do anything from memory. I end up having to just copying what someone else did.

How am I ever going to learn enough to do freelance web developing work by the end of the year?

Well, I see there’s going to be a lot of that. I’m just starting to think that I really SHOULD take notes, if I can just figure out how. I will have to work on this thing some more either tomorrow of do the projects this weekend. Thank you for your help.

And by “they”, I mean the answers I saw to others who asked the same questions on places like Quora and Reddit.

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OK, it’s starting to come back to me a bit. I can put the CSS elements; the things that modify the appearance and placement of texts, images, and links, in the CSS box, and use the # to tag certain things with an id in the HTML box. Then I can designate it in the CSS box using it’s id and modify its appearance.

Like, I put a # in front of “main”, which then let’s me go into the CSS box and go,

#main {

font-color: blue;


Then whatever things are wrapped up in the main tag get modified to appear blue.

Yeah, but, still. That’s the concept, right?