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Did the American British Translator project all unit and functional test are green when running but they are the only thing that is not passing freecodecamp test
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const chai = require('chai');
const assert = chai.assert;
const Translator = require('../components/translator.js');
let translator = new Translator();
suite('Unit Tests', () => {
test('Translate Mangoes are my favorite fruit. to British English', function(done) {
const strText = 'Mangoes are my favorite fruit.';
const strLocale = 'american-to-british';
const strTranslation = 'Mangoes are my favourite fruit.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate I ate yogurt for breakfast. to British English', function(done) {
const strText = 'I ate yogurt for breakfast.';
const strLocale = 'american-to-british';
const strTranslation = 'I ate yoghurt for breakfast.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate We had a party at my friend\'s condo. to British English', function(done) {
const strText = 'We had a party at my friend\'s condo.';
const strLocale = 'american-to-british';
const strTranslation = 'We had a party at my friend\'s flat.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate Can you toss this in the trashcan for me? to British English', function(done) {
const strText = 'Can you toss this in the trashcan for me?';
const strLocale = 'american-to-british';
const strTranslation = 'Can you toss this in the bin for me?';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate The parking lot was full. to British English', function(done) {
const strText = 'The parking lot was full.';
const strLocale = 'american-to-british';
const strTranslation = 'The car park was full.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate Like a high tech Rube Goldberg machine. to British English', function(done) {
const strText = 'Like a high tech Rube Goldberg machine.';
const strLocale = 'american-to-british';
const strTranslation = 'Like a high tech Heath Robinson device.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate To play hooky means to skip class or work. to British English', function(done) {
const strText = 'To play hooky means to skip class or work.';
const strLocale = 'american-to-british';
const strTranslation = 'To bunk off means to skip class or work.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die. to British English', function(done) {
const strText = 'No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.';
const strLocale = 'american-to-british';
const strTranslation = 'No Mr Bond, I expect you to die.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate Dr. Grosh will see you now. to British English', function(done) {
const strText = 'Dr. Grosh will see you now.';
const strLocale = 'american-to-british';
const strTranslation = 'Dr Grosh will see you now.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate Lunch is at 12:15 today. to British English', function(done) {
const strText = 'Lunch is at 12:15 today.';
const strLocale = 'american-to-british';
const strTranslation = 'Lunch is at 12.15 today.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate We watched the footie match for a while. to American English', function(done) {
const strText = 'We watched the footie match for a while.';
const strLocale = 'british-to-american';
const strTranslation = 'We watched the soccer match for a while.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate Paracetamol takes up to an hour to work. to American English', function(done) {
const strText = 'Paracetamol takes up to an hour to work.';
const strLocale = 'british-to-american';
const strTranslation = 'Tylenol takes up to an hour to work.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate First, caramelise the onions. to American English', function(done) {
const strText = 'First, caramelise the onions.';
const strLocale = 'british-to-american';
const strTranslation = 'First, caramelize the onions.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate I spent the bank holiday at the funfair. to American English', function(done) {
const strText = 'I spent the bank holiday at the funfair.';
const strLocale = 'british-to-american';
const strTranslation = 'I spent the public holiday at the carnival.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate I had a bicky then went to the chippy. to American English', function(done) {
const strText = 'I had a bicky then went to the chippy.';
const strLocale = 'british-to-american';
const strTranslation = 'I had a cookie then went to the fish-and-chip shop.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate I\'ve just got bits and bobs in my bum bag. to American English', function(done) {
const strText = 'I\'ve just got bits and bobs in my bum bag.';
const strLocale = 'british-to-american';
const strTranslation = 'I\'ve just got odds and ends in my fanny pack.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate The car boot sale at Boxted Airfield was called off. to American English', function(done) {
const strText = 'The car boot sale at Boxted Airfield was called off.';
const strLocale = 'british-to-american';
const strTranslation = 'The swap meet at Boxted Airfield was called off.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate Have you met Mrs Kalyani? to American English', function(done) {
const strText = 'Have you met Mrs Kalyani?';
const strLocale = 'british-to-american';
const strTranslation = 'Have you met Mrs. Kalyani?';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate Prof Joyner of King\'s College, London. to American English', function(done) {
const strText = 'Prof Joyner of King\'s College, London.';
const strLocale = 'british-to-american';
const strTranslation = 'Prof. Joyner of King\'s College, London.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Translate Tea time is usually around 4 or 4.30. to American English', function(done) {
const strText = 'Tea time is usually around 4 or 4.30.';
const strLocale = 'british-to-american';
const strTranslation = 'Tea time is usually around 4 or 4:30.';
assert.equal(translator.translate(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Highlight translation in Mangoes are my favorite fruit.', function(done) {
const strText = 'Mangoes are my favorite fruit.';
const strLocale = 'american-to-british';
const strTranslation = 'Mangoes are my <span class="highlight">favourite</span> fruit.';
assert.equal(translator.translateAndHighlight(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Highlight translation in I ate yogurt for breakfast.', function(done) {
const strText = 'I ate yogurt for breakfast.';
const strLocale = 'american-to-british';
const strTranslation = 'I ate <span class="highlight">yoghurt</span> for breakfast.';
assert.equal(translator.translateAndHighlight(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Highlight translation in We watched the footie match for a while.', function(done) {
const strText = 'We watched the footie match for a while.';
const strLocale = 'british-to-american';
const strTranslation = 'We watched the <span class="highlight">soccer</span> match for a while.';
assert.equal(translator.translateAndHighlight(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
test('Highlight translation in Paracetamol takes up to an hour to work.', function(done) {
const strText = 'Paracetamol takes up to an hour to work.';
const strLocale = 'british-to-american';
const strTranslation = '<span class="highlight">Tylenol</span> takes up to an hour to work.';
assert.equal(translator.translateAndHighlight(strText, strLocale), strTranslation, '"'+strText+'" should translate to "'+strTranslation+'""');
const chai = require('chai');
const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');
const assert = chai.assert;
const server = require('../server.js');
suite('Functional Tests', () => {
test('Translation with text and locale fields: POST request to /api/translate', function(done){
const strText = 'Mangoes are my favorite fruit.';
const strLocale = 'american-to-british';
const strTranslation = 'Mangoes are my <span class="highlight">favourite</span> fruit.';
text: strText,
locale: strLocale
.end(function(err, res){
assert.equal(res.status, 200, 'response status should be 200');
assert.equal(res.type, 'application/json', "Response should be json");, 'text', 'Response should contain propertie text');
assert.equal(res.body.text, strText, 'Response text should be equal: "'+strText+'"');, 'translation', 'Response should contain propertie translation');
assert.equal(res.body.translation, strTranslation, 'Response translation should be equal: "'+strTranslation+'"');
test('Translation with text and invalid locale field: POST request to /api/translate', function(done){
const strText = 'Mangas são a minha fruta favorita.';
const strLocale = 'portuguese-to-british';
text: strText,
locale: strLocale
.end(function(err, res){
assert.equal(res.status, 200, 'response status should be 200');
assert.equal(res.type, 'application/json', "Response should be json");, 'error', 'Response should contain propertie error');
assert.equal(res.body.error, 'Invalid value for locale field', 'Response error should be equal: "Invalid value for locale field"');
test('Translation with missing text field: POST request to /api/translate', function(done){
const strLocale = 'american-to-british';
locale: strLocale
.end(function(err, res){
assert.equal(res.status, 200, 'response status should be 200');
assert.equal(res.type, 'application/json', "Response should be json");, 'error', 'Response should contain propertie error');
assert.equal(res.body.error, 'Required field(s) missing', 'Response error should be equal: "Required field(s) missing"');
test('Translation with missing locale field: POST request to /api/translate', function(done){
const strText = 'Mangoes are my favorite fruit.';
text: strText
.end(function(err, res){
assert.equal(res.status, 200, 'response status should be 200');
assert.equal(res.type, 'application/json', "Response should be json");, 'error', 'Response should contain propertie error');
assert.equal(res.body.error, 'Required field(s) missing', 'Response error should be equal: "Required field(s) missing"');
test('Translation with empty text: POST request to /api/translate', function(done){
const strText = '';
const strLocale = 'american-to-british';
text: strText,
locale: strLocale
.end(function(err, res){
assert.equal(res.status, 200, 'response status should be 200');
assert.equal(res.type, 'application/json', "Response should be json");, 'error', 'Response should contain propertie error');
assert.equal(res.body.error, 'No text to translate', 'Response error should be equal: "No text to translate"');
test('Translation with text that needs no translation: POST request to /api/translate', function(done){
const strText = 'We watched the footie match for a while.';
const strLocale = 'american-to-british';
text: strText,
locale: strLocale
.end(function(err, res){
assert.equal(res.status, 200, 'response status should be 200');
assert.equal(res.type, 'application/json', "Response should be json");, 'text', 'Response should contain propertie text');
assert.equal(res.body.text, strText, 'Response text should be equal: "'+strText+'"');, 'translation', 'Response should contain propertie translation');
assert.equal(res.body.translation, 'Everything looks good to me!', 'Response translation should be equal "Everything looks good to me!"');
'use strict';
const Translator = require('../components/translator.js');
module.exports = function (app) {
const translator = new Translator();
.post((req, res) => {
if(req.body.text == undefined || req.body.locale == undefined) {
return res.status(200).json({error: 'Required field(s) missing'});
if(req.body.text == '') {
return res.status(200).json({error: 'No text to translate'});
if(req.body.locale != 'american-to-british' && req.body.locale != 'british-to-american') {
return res.status(200).json({error: 'Invalid value for locale field'});
let strTranslated = translator.translateAndHighlight(req.body.text, req.body.locale);
if(strTranslated === req.body.text) {
return res.status(200).json({
text: req.body.text,
translation: 'Everything looks good to me!'
return res.status(200).json({
text: req.body.text,
translation: strTranslated
const americanOnly = require('./american-only.js');
const americanToBritishSpelling = require('./american-to-british-spelling.js');
const americanToBritishTitles = require("./american-to-british-titles.js")
const britishOnly = require('./british-only.js')
class Translator {
translateAndHighlight(strText, strLocale) {
let strTranslated = '' + strText;
if(strLocale == 'american-to-british') {
// translate spelling
let keys = Object.keys(americanToBritishSpelling);
for(let key of keys) {
let regex = new RegExp('(?<![\\w-])'+key+'(?![\\w-])', 'gi');
strTranslated = strTranslated.replace(regex, '<span class="highlight">'+americanToBritishSpelling[key]+'</span>');
// translate titles
keys = Object.keys(americanToBritishTitles);
for(let key of keys) {
let regex = new RegExp('(?<![\\w-])'+key+'(?![\\w-])', 'gi');
strTranslated = strTranslated.replace(regex, '<span class="highlight">'+americanToBritishTitles[key]+'</span>');
// replace untranslatable words
keys = Object.keys(americanOnly);
for(let key of keys) {
let regex = new RegExp('(?<![\\w-])'+key+'(?![\\w-])', 'gi');
strTranslated = strTranslated.replace(regex, '<span class="highlight">'+americanOnly[key]+'</span>');
// format time (ex: 10:30 to 10.30)
let regex = /([0-9]{1,2})([:])([0-9]{1,2})/g;
strTranslated = strTranslated.replace(regex, '<span class="highlight">$1.$3</span>');
if(strLocale == 'british-to-american') {
// translate spelling
let keys = Object.keys(americanToBritishSpelling);
for(let key of keys) {
let regex = new RegExp('(?<![\\w-])'+americanToBritishSpelling[key]+'(?![\\w-])', 'gi');
strTranslated = strTranslated.replace(regex, '<span class="highlight">'+key+'</span>');
// translate titles
keys = Object.keys(americanToBritishTitles);
for(let key of keys) {
let regex = new RegExp('(?<![\\w-])'+americanToBritishTitles[key]+'(?![\\w-])', 'gi');
strTranslated = strTranslated.replace(regex, '<span class="highlight">'+key+'</span>');
// replace untranslatable words
keys = Object.keys(britishOnly);
for(let key of keys) {
let regex = new RegExp('(?<![\\w-])'+key+'(?![\\w-])', 'gi');
strTranslated = strTranslated.replace(regex, '<span class="highlight">'+britishOnly[key]+'</span>');
// format time (ex: 10:30 to 10.30)
let regex = /([0-9]{1,2})([\.])([0-9]{1,2})/g;
strTranslated = strTranslated.replace(regex, '<span class="highlight">$1:$3</span>');
return strTranslated;
translate(strText, strLocale) {
let strTranslated = '' + strText;
if(strLocale == 'american-to-british') {
// translate spelling
let keys = Object.keys(americanToBritishSpelling);
for(let key of keys) {
let regex = new RegExp('(?<![\\w-])'+key+'(?![\\w-])', 'gi');
strTranslated = strTranslated.replace(regex, americanToBritishSpelling[key]);
// translate titles
keys = Object.keys(americanToBritishTitles);
for(let key of keys) {
let regex = new RegExp('(?<![\\w-])'+key+'(?![\\w-])', 'gi');
strTranslated = strTranslated.replace(regex, americanToBritishTitles[key]);
// replace untranslatable words
keys = Object.keys(americanOnly);
for(let key of keys) {
let regex = new RegExp('(?<![\\w-])'+key+'(?![\\w-])', 'gi');
strTranslated = strTranslated.replace(regex, americanOnly[key]);
// format time (ex: 10:30 to 10.30)
let regex = /([0-9]{1,2})([:])([0-9]{1,2})/g;
strTranslated = strTranslated.replace(regex, '$1.$3');
if(strLocale == 'british-to-american') {
// translate spelling
let keys = Object.keys(americanToBritishSpelling);
for(let key of keys) {
let regex = new RegExp('(?<![\\w-])'+americanToBritishSpelling[key]+'(?![\\w-])', 'gi');
strTranslated = strTranslated.replace(regex, key);
// translate titles
keys = Object.keys(americanToBritishTitles);
for(let key of keys) {
let regex = new RegExp('(?<![\\w-])'+americanToBritishTitles[key]+'(?![\\w-])', 'gi');
strTranslated = strTranslated.replace(regex, key);
// replace untranslatable words
keys = Object.keys(britishOnly);
for(let key of keys) {
let regex = new RegExp('(?<![\\w-])'+key+'(?![\\w-])', 'gi');
strTranslated = strTranslated.replace(regex, britishOnly[key]);
// format time (ex: 10:30 to 10.30)
let regex = /([0-9]{1,2})([\.])([0-9]{1,2})/g;
strTranslated = strTranslated.replace(regex, '$1:$3');
return strTranslated;
module.exports = Translator;
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Challenge: American British Translator
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