Anerican British translator all test passing but failing freecodecamp tests

I have uploaded runing project link to freeCodeCamp and i keep failing most of the tests except “I can provide my own project, not the example URL.”
Here is my project link thanks in advance for your help in this issue.
American British translator

So people can find the project you are talking about:

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Thank you forgot to include the link to the project on freeCodeCamp.

After lengthy testing i realized that repl it some times when clicking run button displays the following issue message " Hmmmm… We Couldn’t Reach Your Repl

Make sure your repl has a port open and is ready to receive HTTP traffic.

Return to" I have found stopping app and then starting again with stop then start button. Helps to get the live running app link. Required to post to freeCodeCamp to state that i finished this project.

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