Tell us what’s happening:
I was happy when I passed the test and decided look at if there is a better way of writing the code. When I looked at the solution, it had if-else statement that returns undefined.
When I wrote my code, I decided not to specifically return undefined.
Question is, Do I need to specifically return undefined? or can I just leave the code as is (without returning undefined if false)
thank you!
Your code so far
function addTogether() {
var num1 = arguments[0];
var num2 = arguments[1];
// if there are 2 arguments,
if (arguments.length == 2){
// check if the type of num1 and num2 is Number,
if (typeof num1 === "number" && typeof num2 === "number"){
// add and return the value
return num1 + num2;
// otherwise, if there is 1 argument(s),
else if (arguments.length == 1){
// check again if the first argument is a type of Number
if (typeof num1 === "number"){
// return a function that asks to input another number
return function(n){
// if the type of inputted value is Number,
if (typeof n === "number"){
// add and return the value
return num1 + n;
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