Arguments Optional: intermediate challenge

Having a bit of trouble with this challenge

Am i supposed to consider using currying, or creating functions for this challenge Im confused by the instructions and maybe i want more test cases… idk

You use currying in one particular case - only if one argument has been provided, otherwise you just return the sum of arguments

Ive been trying to best understand the instructions, I think for this challenge its more of a roadblock than any previous exercise!

here is what i have so far, the comments are notes taken from the guide page

function addTogether(a, b) {
	//It has to check if it has one or two arguments passed. More are ignored.
	//It has to check if any of the numbers are actual numbers, otherwise return undefined and stop the program right there.
	if (Number(a) || Number(b)) {
		if (arguments.length == 2) {
			//It has to add two numbers passed as parameters and return the sum.
			function add(a) {
				return function(b) {
					return a + b;
		} //length2
		else if (arguments.length == 1) {
			//If it has only one argument then it has to return a function that uses that number and expects another one, to then add it.
			function add(a) {
				return function(b) {
					return a;
		} //length1
	} else {
		return undefined;
} //function