Hi I just completed the “Arguments Optional” Question. I happen to solve it by adding a parameter to the function given. I was just wondering if that is okay to do? Otherwise I did add a comment line if I omitted it. Anyhow I was just curious what you guys think of this solution?
function addTogether(x) {
// split arguments into array
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
// let x = args[0]; only if free code camp wants no parameters.
// check if the argument has a length of 2 and the 2nd argument is a number.
// Technically I know the test subject is only passing non numbers to the 2nd place.
// So I can also add another && to make sure argument 0 also is a number.
if(args.length == 2 && typeof args[1] == "number"){
return args[0] + args[1];
// if not 2 numbers check if it's only 1 argument then use a curried function to return function.
} else if(args.length == 1 && typeof args[0] == "number") {
return function (y){
// if 2nd argument is a number return the sum. Else return undefined.
if(typeof y == "number"){
return x + y;
else return undefined;
} else{
return undefined;