Attempt at JS Game

I am having a problem with my code but I’m using a new laptop and I don’t have VS Code to help me figure it out yet, so I need some help please. When I press on the circle it shoots out a projectile but when I press it again it doesn’t shoot out another like it’s supposed to. Please help. :grinning:

This is not answer to your question. But thought this link might be useful to you.

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Did you fix it? change “veloicty” to “velocity” it works.
Found a typo. Check below image.

Use browser developer tools for debugging your code. Check how I found the error.


Can you please tell me what is that for?

@bedward I thought codeofdreams is interested in game development using javascript. So I suggested that link. We can build 3d websites.

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I was asking about that website, can you please explain to me is there something special about it or just a website showing some games?


@bedward more on three.js.
Three.js is a cross-browser JavaScript library and application programming interface (API) used to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser using WebGL. The source code is hosted in a repository on GitHub.

Three.js docs.
Three.js Examples.


Thank you so much! It works now. No wonder I was confused.

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Make sure to check the syntax first and typos!


Thank you very much for the valuable information :heart:

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