Audio Stream by User Input

How would I be able to set this up where the audio stream isn’t hard coded, and where a user would be able to input the stream themselves?

This is something I wanted to do, but haven’t figured out how to do it.

 <audio controls>
  <source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
<div class="control">
  <label class="label">Stream</label>
  <input class="input" type="text" />

I tried adding an actual audio stream link into the source tag

<source src="" type="audio/mpeg">

and it worked.

You will have to use some JS to plug the input text field into the src attribute.

Something kinda like…

Yes this does work for me.

How would the code be written without jquery?

let player = document.querySelector("#player");  player.src = text;
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Trying to reply through a fireTV is a special kind of hell…

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How would the code be written without jquery?

document.querySelector('#sent').addEventListener('click', (e) => {
  const val = document.querySelector('#example');
  const mp = document.querySelector('#player');
  mp.src = val.value;
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What if I set it up this way? @snowmonkey

Can this be improved at all, and is it set up right?


<audio controls></audio>

<div class="control">
    <label class="label">Stream</label>
    <input class="input" name="url" />
    <input type="submit" value="Set">


document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (evt) => {
  document.querySelector('form').addEventListener('submit', (evt) => {
    const formData = new FormData(;
    document.querySelector('audio').src = formData.get('url');

I just figured this out:

This was the other way.

<audio controls class="player">
<div class="control">
  <label class="label">Stream</label>
  <input class="example">
  <input class="sent" type="submit" value="Set">

<br> add this link, hit set:

  document.querySelector('.sent').addEventListener('click', (e) => {
    const val = document.querySelector('.example');
    const mp = document.querySelector('.player');
    mp.src = val.value;

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Were you suggesting a different way to do it here?

How would it have been set up using this?

let player = document.querySelector("#player"); player.src = text;

I have a question:

How would I get this button to work in the code?

  <button class="style" onclick="document.querySelector('.player');player.paused ? : player.pause()">Play / Pause</button>

I got it to work using 2 buttons here:

  <button class="style" onclick="document.querySelector('.player').play()">Play</button>
  <button class="style" onclick="document.querySelector('.player').pause()">Pause</button>

But how would I get it to work using only 1 button for Play & Pause?