Back End Development and APIs Projects - Timestamp Microservice: All tests are passing but nothing happens

Tell us what’s happening:
All tests are passing but nothing happens, nor the challenge is marked as completed. There’s no errors or anything being shown on ‘console’ nor ‘network’ DevTools tabs.

I’ve also tried to run this both on Firefox and Chrome

Thanks so much in advance for the help :pray:

Your project link(s)
solution: (locally on port 3000)

githubLink: freecodecamp-backend-course/course_4-timestamp-microservice at main · AragonCodes/freecodecamp-backend-course · GitHub

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0

Challenge: Back End Development and APIs Projects - Timestamp Microservice

Link to the challenge:

It has to be a live URL, you can’t use localhost to submit certificate projects.

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Thanks @lasjorg ! It worked now :]

Maybe we could make this explicitly on projects’ instructions

It is…

When you are done, make sure a working demo of your project is hosted somewhere public. Then submit the URL to it in the Solution Link field.

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