My get route:
app.get('/api/:date?', function (req, res) {
let date =;
let myDate = !date
? new Date()
: new Date(isNum(date) ? parseInt(date) : date);
let utc = myDate.toUTCString();
let unix = myDate.getTime();
utc === 'Invalid Date'
? { error: 'Invalid date' }
: { unix, utc }
When I run the tests, I get this:
An empty date parameter should return the current time in a JSON object with a unix key An empty date parameter should return the current time in a JSON object with a utc key
When I visit my api with no date param I get this response.
{“unix”:1703710982628,“utc”:“Wed, 27 Dec 2023 21:03:02 GMT”}
My repo: GitHub - m-tranter/timestamp
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Challenge Information:
Back End Development and APIs Projects - Timestamp Microservice