app.get("/api/:date?", (req, res) => {
const dateParam =;
let date;
if (!dateParam) {
// create DateConstructor with the currant time
date = new Date();
else if () {
// the resat of the handler logic
const unix = date.getTime();
const utc = date.toUTCString();
unix: unix,
utc: utc
tests results
Passed: A request to /api/:date? with a valid date should return a JSON object with a unix key that is a Unix timestamp of the input date in milliseconds (as type Number)
Passed: A request to /api/:date? with a valid date should return a JSON object with a utc key that is a string of the input date in the format: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Passed: A request to /api/1451001600000 should return { unix: 1451001600000, utc: "Fri, 25 Dec 2015 00:00:00 GMT" }
Passed: Your project can handle dates that can be successfully parsed by new Date(date_string)
Passed: If the input date string is invalid, the API returns an object having the structure { error : "Invalid Date" }
Failed: An empty date parameter should return the current time in a JSON object with a unix key
Failed: An empty date parameter should return the current time in a JSON object with a utc key
the issue
is that when i run the server and test the response of the https://host-url/api i get the right json output
for example {"unix":1709055160997,"utc":"Tue, 27 Feb 2024 17:32:40 GMT"}
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Back End Development and APIs Projects - Timestamp Microservice
I don’t see how you can pass those tests with the code you posted. It should crash and there are missing cases.
The if else condition can’t be empty and it doesn’t make sense that the code block is empty as well.
Even if you turn the if else into an else and move the code inside it you will still crash from calling date.getTime() when dateParam is truthy. You only use the Date constructor if dateParam is falsy so date is undefined otherwise.
When you mentioned the system clock, it triggered a moment of realization about the root cause of the issue.
What was the issue?
I guess that the tests logic is checking the values of the response too.
I mean i am using the browser in my pc and using gitpod for hosting the api server and the time on my pc and gitpod server or workspace does not match.
How did i solved it?
I have downloaded my workspace and started it locally.
Then i exposed the port that my server uses, using localtunnel package. npx localtunnel --port PORT
Used the url that localtunnel gave me for tasts and passed all tests.