Basic JavaScript - Profile Lookup

So it looks as though my code is iterating through each array based on my for loop, however it only recognizes whatever index number is in the for loop. What I mean is, when I change the for loop to x = 1, it recognizes Harry and all of its properties, but it gives Akira and all of the other profiles in the array “No such contact” in the console log.

I’ve tried tweaking a couple of things which didn’t do anything, but I can’t figure out for the life of me why it’s not working. I checked the video and it made sense and seems like I did it right, but the function will only work on 1 element in the array of contacts. Does anyone know why it’s not working?

Your code so far

// Setup
const contacts = [
    firstName: "Akira",
    lastName: "Laine",
    number: "0543236543",
    likes: ["Pizza", "Coding", "Brownie Points"],
    firstName: "Harry",
    lastName: "Potter",
    number: "0994372684",
    likes: ["Hogwarts", "Magic", "Hagrid"],
    firstName: "Sherlock",
    lastName: "Holmes",
    number: "0487345643",
    likes: ["Intriguing Cases", "Violin"],
    firstName: "Kristian",
    lastName: "Vos",
    number: "unknown",
    likes: ["JavaScript", "Gaming", "Foxes"],

function lookUpProfile(name, prop) {
  // Only change code below this line
for (let x = 0; x < contacts.length; x++) {
  if (contacts[x].firstName === name) {
    return contacts[x][prop] || "No such property"; 
  } else return "No such contact";
  // Only change code above this line

lookUpProfile("Sherlock", "likes");
console.log(lookUpProfile("Sherlock", "likes"));

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Challenge: Basic JavaScript - Profile Lookup

Link to the challenge:

Having this inside of the loop effectively says “if you find a single contact that doesn’t match, give up, stop the loop, and return immediately”.

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