Basic JavaScript - Return a Value from a Function with Return

Tell us what’s happening:

I am very confused, on this I have put this in every which way from sunday. I have read in some posts where people say that there is a bug in it. Someone give me a hint on what I am doing wrong. Please and thank you!

Your code so far

function timesFive(5) {
  return value 25;

function timesFive(2) {
  return value 10;
function timesFive(0) {
  return value 0;

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Basic JavaScript - Return a Value from a Function with Return

You have three functions. Just have one and pass on it an argument, give it a name of your choice. Multiply the argument by five and return the results. 5 shouldn’t be used as an argument.


thank you so much!!! You really helped me out! it was one of the functions i tried but I should have tried it with just 1

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