Basic Node and Express - Use body-parser to Parse POST Requests

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pls how do i get this code to res.json the values, cos it sends, undefine first name and last, i have required and used the body-parser both with urlencoded and .json, it logs the values to the console but sends undefined to the client
Your project link(s)'/name', (req, res) => {
  const firstname = req.body.first;
  const lastname = req.body.last;
  console.log(firstname + " " + lastname)
  const names = firstname + " " + lastname
  res.json({name: names })

solution: boilerplate-express (1) - Replit

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Challenge: Basic Node and Express - Use body-parser to Parse POST Requests

Link to the challenge:

You need to use a template literal, defined with `` to pass variables inside an object declaration.

    name: `${firstName} ${lastName}`

(I might not be using the corrent technical language though)

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