Build a Budget App Project - Build a Budget App Project

Tell us what’s happening:

My create_spend_chart is failing every test, even the title test. I copy and pasted the exact title from the directions, and my function’s output seems to match the example output exactly. I did create an extra method in the class definition called get_spending, which I call in the printing function. I don’t know if that is somehow throwing off the system.

Your code so far

class Category:
    def __init__(self, category): = category
        self.ledger = []

    def __str__(self):
        string =  f'{, "*")}'
        for transaction in self.ledger:
            string += f'\n{transaction["description"][:23].ljust(23)}{format(transaction["amount"], ".2f")[:7].rjust(7)}'       
        string += f'\nTotal: {self.get_balance()}'
        return string

    def deposit(self, amount, description = ''):
            'amount': amount, 
            'description': description

    def withdraw(self, amount, description = ''):
        if self.check_funds(amount):
                'amount': -amount,
                'description': description
            return True
            return False

    def get_balance(self):
        balance = 0
        for transaction in self.ledger:
            balance += transaction['amount']
        return balance

    def get_spending(self):
        spending = 0
        for transaction in self.ledger:
            if transaction['amount'] < 0:
                spending += abs(transaction['amount'])
        return spending
    def transfer(self, amount, other_category):
        if self.check_funds(amount):
            self.withdraw(amount, f'Transfer to {}')
            other_category.deposit(amount, f'Transfer from {}')
            return True
            return False
    def check_funds(self, amount):
        if amount <= self.get_balance():
            return True
            return False

def create_spend_chart(categories):
    total = 0
    for category in categories:
        total += category.get_spending()

    category_percentages = [ 
        round((category.get_spending() / total) * 10) * 10
        for category in categories]

    print('Percentage spent by category')
    graph_percent = 100
    while graph_percent >= 0:
        line_string = f'{str(graph_percent).rjust(3)}|'

        for percentage in category_percentages:
            if percentage >= graph_percent:
                line_string += ' o '
                line_string += '   '

        graph_percent -= 10

    print(f"{' ' * 4}{'-' * (3 * len(categories) + 1)}")

    names = [ for category in categories]

    char_index = 0
    max_len = max(len(name) for name in names)
    for line in range(max_len):
        line_string = '    '

        for name in names:
            if char_index < len(name):
                line_string += f' {name[char_index]} '
                line_string += '   '
        char_index += 1

food = Category('Food')
clothing = Category('Clothing')
auto = Category('Auto')
food.deposit(1000, 'Initial transfer')
clothing.deposit(1000, 'Initial transfer')
auto.deposit(1000, 'Initial transfer')


categories = [food, auto, clothing]

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Build a Budget App Project - Build a Budget App Project

What your create_spend_chart function returns?

I see now, I was printing the solution, but I was supposed to return it as a string.