Build a Budget App Project - create_spend_chart() Tests Failing

Tell us what’s happening:

Python Budget App, can’t get any chart tests to pass

I can’t understand why none of the create_spend_chart() tests are passing. It looks like it should to my eye, but even the title failing tells me I’m doing something wrong that I can’t understand. When I try using inspect on the browser, it gives hundreds of messages, and I have no idea how to filter through those in order to use them to help me.

Would appreciate any thoughts. Thanks!

Your code so far

Python Budget App, can’t get chart tests to pass

class Category:
    def __init__(self, category):
        self.category = category = 0
        self.ledger = []
    def __repr__(self):
        title = f"{self.category:*^30}\n"
        items = ""
        total = 0
        for item in self.ledger:
            items += f"{item['description'][0:23]:23}" + f"{item['amount']:>7.2f}" + "\n"
            total += item['amount']
        output = title + items + "Total: " + str(total)
        return output

    def deposit(self, amount, description=""):
   += amount
            self.ledger.append({"amount": amount, "description": description})

    def withdraw(self, amount, description=""):
        if self.check_funds(amount):   
   -= amount
            self.ledger.append({"amount": -amount, "description": description})
            return True
            return False

  #balance in each account method
    def get_balance(self):

  #transfer method      
    def transfer(self, amount, transfer_to):
        if self.check_funds(amount):
           #subtranct from self
   -= amount
            self.ledger.append({"amount": -amount, "description": "Transfer to " + transfer_to.category})

            #add to transferee
   += amount
            transfer_to.ledger.append({"amount": amount, "description": "Transfer from " + self.category})
            return True
            return False

  ##funds in each account method      
    def check_funds(self, amount):
        if amount <=
            return True
            return False
  #see all withdrawals for each category method
    def get_withdrawals(self):
        items = ""
        total = 0
        for item in self.ledger:  
            if str(item['amount']).startswith("-"):
                items += f"{str(item['amount'])}, "     
                total += item['amount']
        trying = (str(total)[1:])
        output = "Items " + items, "Total" + str(total)

        return trying

categories=["Savings", "Car", "Rent", "Food"]

## create percentage array method
def get_percentages(categories=categories):
    percentages = []

    food_total = food.get_withdrawals()
    car_total = car.get_withdrawals()
    rent_total = rent.get_withdrawals()
    savings_total = savings.get_withdrawals()

    total_spend = 0
#total spend amount with if statements
    if car_total == "":
        total_spend += 0  
        total_spend += float(car_total)
    if food_total == "":
        total_spend += 0 
        total_spend += float(food_total)
    if rent_total == "":
        total_spend += 0
        total_spend += float(rent_total)

    if savings_total == "":
        savings_total = 0
        total_spend += float(savings_total)
  ##formats percent 
    food_per = str(round((float(food_total)/total_spend),2))[2:]
    car_per = str(round((float(car_total)/total_spend),2))[2:]
    rent_per = str(round((float(rent_total)/total_spend),2))[2:]
    savings_per = str(round((float(savings_total)/total_spend),2))[2:]
    #math for rounding percentages then append to array
    get_savings = float(savings_per) if savings_per[1:] == 0 else float(savings_per) + (10-(float(savings_per[1:])))

    get_car = float(car_per) if car_per[1:] == 0 else float(car_per)+(10-(float(car_per[1:])))

    get_rent = float(rent_per) if rent_per[1:] == 0 else float(rent_per)+(10-(float(rent_per[1:])))

    get_food = float(food_per) if food_per[1:] == 0 else float(food_per)+(10-(float(food_per[1:])))

    return percentages

##start spend chart
def create_spend_chart(categories=categories):
    percentages = get_percentages(categories)

    title = "Percentage spent by category"
    chart = '\n'

    height = len(max(categories, key=len))
    padded = [names.ljust(height) for names in categories]

    for num in reversed(range(0, 110, 10)):
        chart += f"{str(num) + '|':>4}" 
        for percent in percentages:
            if percent >= num:
                chart += " o "
                chart += "   "
        chart += " \n"
    chart += "    "+ "-" * 13 + "\n"

    for name in zip(*padded):
        chart +=  "     " + ("  ".join(name)) + "  \n"
    return title + chart.rstrip()

    #print(savings_total, "hi")


food = Category("Food")
car = Category("Car")
rent = Category("Rent")
savings = Category("Savings")

savings.deposit(2000, "First check")
savings.transfer(200, food)
savings.transfer(350, car)
savings.transfer(1000, rent)
rent.withdraw(200, "january")
car.withdraw(200, "payment")
food.withdraw(75, "groceries")
food.withdraw(50, "yum")
rent.transfer(50, savings)

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Build a Budget App Project - Build a Budget App Project

Your get_percentages function is relying on specific variables from the outside of function scope. This effectively makes impossible to use create_spend_chart with different categories.

create_spend_chart function should accept list of categories - list of Category objects, which will be used on the chart.