Tell us what’s happening:
Error with 1.1.15.
‘Fluorine’ entry does not pass CodeRoad test even though ‘Neon’ does. I have tired have the atomic_mass
column set to the NUMERIC
datatype, as well as the DECIMAL
, and TEXT
datatypes. I have looked through the forms and I have not found anything helpful.
After a while, I looked through the JUint test in the .freecodecamp/test/
to see what the test is looking for that I was doing wrong, yet, I did not find any way to fix the issue.
Your code so far
-- 15. Fluorine
insert into elements(atomic_number, symbol, name) values (9, 'F', 'Fluorine');
insert into properties(atomic_number, atomic_mass, melting_point_celsius, boiling_point_celsius, type_id) values (9, '18.998', -220, -188.1, 3);
-- 16. Neon
insert into elements(atomic_number, symbol, name) values (10, 'Ne', 'Neon');
insert into properties(atomic_number, atomic_mass, melting_point_celsius, boiling_point_celsius, type_id) values (10, '20.18', -248.6, -246.1, 3);
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Periodic Table Database - Build a Periodic Table Database