Periodic Table Database - Build a Periodic Table Database

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I am stuck on getting my checker to recognise
You should add the element with atomic number 9 to your database. Its name is Fluorine, symbol is F, mass is 18.998, melting point is -220, boiling point is -188.1, and it’s a nonmetal

You should add the element with atomic number 10 to your database. Its name is Neon, symbol is Ne, mass is 20.18, melting point is -248.6, boiling point is -246.1, and it’s a nonmetal

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Periodic Table Database - Build a Periodic Table Database

So after few hours of trying everything yesterday where I checked other forum posts and nothing worked I gave up. But this morning I deleted both rows and added them again and now it all works, so I am not sure why same thing did not work yesterday as I tried it then too but I can say that this is sorted now, my atomic number is decimal and points are numeric and did not use any varchar options for those three.