Tell us what’s happening:
Hi Community! I am working on my last project . I would really appreciate your help/insight. I keep throwing the errors
- When the #search-input element contains the value Pikachu and the #search-button element is clicked, the values in the #pokemon-name, #pokemon-id, #weight, #height, #hp, #attack, #defense, #special-attack, #special-defense, and #speed elements should be PIKACHU, #25 or 25, Weight: 60 or 60, Height: 4 or 4, 35, 55, 40, 50, 50, and 90, respectiv.
&& #18 which is the same
Your code so far
const searchInput = document.getElementById("search-input");
const searchButton = document.getElementById("search-button");
const pokemonName = document.getElementById("pokemon-name");
const pokemonId = document.getElementById("pokemon-id");
const pokemonImage = document.getElementById("pokemon-image");
const pokemonWeight = document.getElementById("weight");
const pokemonHeight = document.getElementById("height");
const pokemonTypes = document.getElementById("types");
const hp = document.getElementById("hp");
const attack = document.getElementById("attack");
const defense = document.getElementById("defense");
const specialAttack = document.getElementById("special-attack");
const specialDefense = document.getElementById("special-defense");
const speed = document.getElementById("speed");
const searchPokedex = async () => {
const res = await fetch(`${searchInput.value.toLowerCase()}`);
const data = await res.json();
const { name, weight, height, id, stats, sprites, types } = data;
pokemonName.innerHTML = name.toUpperCase();
pokemonId.innerHTML = id
pokemonWeight.innerHTML = `Weight:${weight}`;
pokemonHeight.innerHTML = `Height:${height}`;
pokemonImage.innerHTML = `<img id="sprite" src="${sprites.front_default}">`
pokemonTypes.innerHTML = => `<span>${}</span>`).join("");
hp.textContent = data.stats[0].base_stat;
attack.textContent = data.stats[1].base_stat;
defense.textContent = data.stats[2].base_stat;
specialAttack.textContent = data.stats[3].base_stat;
specialDefense.textContent = data.stats[4].base_stat;
speed.textContent = data.stats[5].base_stat;
hp.innerHTML = stats[0].base_stat;
attack.innerHTML = stats[1].base_stat;
defense.innerHTML = stats[2].base_stat;
specialAttack.innerHTML = stats[3].base_stat;
specialDefense.innerHTML = stats[4].base_stat;
speed.innerHTML = stats[5].base_stat;
} catch(err){
alert("Pokemon not found");
searchButton.addEventListener("click", searchPokedex);
searchInput.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
if(e.key === "Enter"){
15. When the #search-input element contains the value Pikachu and the #search-button element is clicked, the values in the #pokemon-name, #pokemon-id, #weight, #height, #hp, #attack, #defense, #special-attack, #special-defense, and #speed elements should be PIKACHU, #25 or 25, Weight: 60 or 60, Height: 4 or 4, 35, 55, 40, 50, 50, and 90, respectively.
- When the #search-input element contains the value 94 and the #search-button element is clicked, the values in the #pokemon-name, #pokemon-id, #weight, #height, #hp, #attack, #defense, #special-attack, #special-defense, and #speed elements should be GENGAR, #94 or 94, Weight: 405 or 405, Height: 15 or 15, 60, 65, 60, 130, 75, and 110, respectively.
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Challenge Information:
Build a Pokémon Search App Project - Build a Pokémon Search App