Hey guys, im here to ask you help, i was all day doing the Random Quote Machine (Which i already completed), the problem is that i manipulated the DOM with jQuery (Which needs a document for the library to work), and the BIG problem is that in code pen i can only use 1 JavaScript Document, which makes my jQuery completly useless be cause i cant import the library to the Code Pen (Unlike Bootstrap 5, that works perfectly).
Someone knows what can i do?, i don’t want to change to another FrameWork tho.
I’m not sure, but I think the codepen example in the challenge uses jquery.
In the Codepen example, on the JS file tab, there is a gear to the right, beside the drop down. Clicking the gear brings up “Pen Settings”, with an option to add external scripts. The example seems to load jquery from cloudflare. You probably can just copy the jquery URLs from the example.