User Story #4: Inside the form element, I am required to enter my name in a field with id=“name”.
User Story #5: Inside the form element, I am required to enter an email in a field with id=“email”.
User Story #7: Inside the form, I can enter a number in a field with id=“number”.
User Story #10: For the name, email, and number input fields inside the form I can see corresponding labels that describe the purpose of each field with the following ids: id=“name-label”, id=“email-label”, and id=“number-label”.
The tester is apparently down, so I can’t just test it out and see which works, but aren’t these telling me to label the input fields with two different IDs?
If you use a class and an ID, sure. But this is pretty clearly telling us to use two different IDs, and I’m not even sure that’s possible in HTML. I know it’s bad practice, either way.
It would be bad practice if you used an ID on a recurring component such as an item in a list where the ID would not be unique. In this context it’s fine because the form is an isolated resource. That’s how I see it. Though it most certainly is overkill concerning the markup.
I think I get it now. What it’s asking for is for us to wrap the text in front of the input field, like “Name:” in a label that corresponds to its field: