Build a Time Calculator Project - Build a Time Calculator Project

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Can someone check my code and see why it isn’t working?

Your code so far

def add_time(start, duration, day_of_week = False):
    days_of_the_week_index = {'Monday': 0, 'Tuesday': 1, 'Wednesday': 2, 'Thursday': 3, 'Friday': 4, 'Saturday': 5, 'Sunday': 6}
    days_of_the_week_array = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
    duration_tuple = duration.partition(':')
    duration_hours = int(duration_tuple[0])
    duration_minutes = int(duration_tuple[2])
    start_tuple = start.partition(':')
    start_minutes_tuple = start_tuple[2].partition(' ')
    start_hours = int(start_tuple[0])
    start_minutes = int(start_tuple[0])
    am_or_pm = start_minutes_tuple[2]
    am_and_pm_flip = {'AM': 'PM', 'PM': 'PM'}

    amount_of_days = int((duration_hours) / 24)

    end_minutes = start_minutes + duration_minutes
    if end_minutes >= 60:
        start_hours += 1
        end_minutes = end_minutes % 60
    amount_of_am_pm_flips = int((start_hours + duration_hours) / 12)
    end_hours = start_hours + duration_hours % 12

    end_minutes = end_minutes if end_minutes > 9 else '0' + str(end_minutes)
    end_hours = end_hours = 12 if end_hours == 0 else end_hours
    if am_or_pm == 'PM' and start_hours + (duration_hours % 12) >= 12:
        amount_of_days += 1

    am_or_pm = am_and_pm_flip[am_or_pm] if amount_of_am_pm_flips % 2 == 1 else am_or_pm

    returnTime = str(end_hours) + ':' + str(end_minutes) + ' ' + am_or_pm
    if day_of_week:
        index = int((day_of_week_index[day_of_week]) + amount_of_days) % 7
        new_day = days_of_the_week_array[index]
        returnTime += ', '+ new_day

        if amount_of_days == 1:
            return returnTime + ' ' + '(next day)'
        elif amount_of_days > 1:
            return returnTime + ' (' + str(amount_of_days) + 'days later)'

    return returnTime

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Build a Time Calculator Project - Build a Time Calculator Project

Run some tests and print out the results and let us know what it is.

How is it mal-functioning?

I am not sure I am not even getting outputs in the console, but I will mess with it some more.

You can test it like this at the end of the project (not part of the function):

print(add_time('3:00 PM', '3:10'))

I fixed the issue, just a couple of areas where I miss-typed. Code works and I passed.

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