Build a Time Calculator Project - Build a Time Calculator Project

Tell us what’s happening:

everything is fine and working except the test 4 that idk how it is not working and what’s the input that doesn’t fit!

Your code so far

def add_time(start, duration, dayOfTheWeek = ''):

    dayOfTheWeekLower = dayOfTheWeek.lower()
    startTime, amPm = start.split()
    startTimeHoure, startTimeMinuts = startTime.split(':')

    durationHoure, duraiotnMinuts = duration.split(':')

    daysOfTheWeek = {'sunday':1 ,'monday': 2,'tuesday': 3, 'wednesday': 4, 'thursday': 5, 'friday':6, 'saturday':7}

    # from 12 houre system to 24 houre system
    conversion = 12 if amPm == 'PM' else 0
    newWholeTimeMinuts = ((int(startTimeHoure)+conversion)*60) + int(startTimeMinuts) + (int(durationHoure)*60) + int(duraiotnMinuts)

    newTimeHoures = newWholeTimeMinuts//60
    newTimeMinuts = str(newWholeTimeMinuts%60) if len(str(newWholeTimeMinuts%60)) == 2 else f'0{str(newWholeTimeMinuts%60)}'

    dayOfTheWeekIndex = daysOfTheWeek[dayOfTheWeekLower] if dayOfTheWeek != '' else 0
    daysPassed = 0

    while newTimeHoures>=24:
        newTimeHoures -= 24
        dayOfTheWeekIndex += 1
        daysPassed += 1
        while dayOfTheWeekIndex > 7:
            dayOfTheWeekIndex -= 7
    if newTimeHoures>12:
        newTimeHoures -=12
        amPm = 'PM'    
        amPm = 'AM'            
    if newTimeHoures<1:
        newTimeHoures = 12
    for day, index in daysOfTheWeek.items():
        if index == dayOfTheWeekIndex:
            dayOfTheWeekResult = day 
    daysPassedAya = ''
    if daysPassed == 0:
    elif daysPassed == 1:
        daysPassedAya = ' (next day)'
        daysPassedAya = f' ({daysPassed} days later)'
    dayOfTheWeekStr = '' if dayOfTheWeek == '' else ', '+ str(dayOfTheWeekResult).capitalize()
    new_time = f'{newTimeHoures}:{newTimeMinuts} {amPm}{dayOfTheWeekStr}{daysPassedAya}'
    return new_time

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Build a Time Calculator Project - Build a Time Calculator Project

the issue is that your clock goes 11:59AM to 12:00 AM instead it should go to 12:00 PM
check with print(add_time('11:55 AM', '00:05'))

the logic here you need to double check

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thanks a lot @ilenia. my problem solved using your tip.