Build a Time Calculator Project - Build a Time Calculator Project

Tell us what’s happening:

I am working on the time calculator project. When I call the function to test the output for each problem, it is showing the expected output, however, when I run the tests, they all come up as failed. Can anyone help?

Your code so far

def add_time(start, duration, day = None):
    if day:
        day_formatted = str(day).title()
        index_of_the_week = {'Monday':1, 'Tuesday':2, 'Wednesday':3, 'Thursday':4, 'Friday':5, 'Saturday':6, 'Sunday':7}
        days_of_the_week = {1:'Monday', 2:'Tuesday', 3:'Wednesday', 4:'Thursday', 5:'Friday', 6:'Saturday', 7:'Sunday'}
        day_index = index_of_the_week[day_formatted]
    start_time, ampm = start.split(' ')
    s_hours, s_minutes = start_time.split(':')
    if ampm == 'PM':
        modified_hours = int(s_hours) + 12
        modified_hours = int(s_hours)
    d_hours, d_minutes = duration.split(':')
    total_minutes = int(s_minutes) + int(d_minutes)
    extra_hours = total_minutes // 60
    final_minutes = total_minutes % 60
    total_hours = modified_hours + int(d_hours) + extra_hours
    extra_days = total_hours // 24
    final_hours = total_hours % 24

    if final_hours >= 12:
        format_hours = 'PM'
        final_hours -= 12
        format_hours = 'AM'
    if final_hours == 0:
        final_hours += 12

    if final_minutes < 10:
        final_minutes = '0'+str(final_minutes)

    if extra_days == 1:
        days_later = ' (next day)'
    elif extra_days == 0:
        days_later = ''
        days_later = ' (' + str(extra_days) + ' days later)'
    if day:
        if extra_days > 0:
            day_index += extra_days
            if day_index <= 7:
                final_day = days_of_the_week[day_index]
                while day_index > 7:
                    day_index -= 7
                final_day = days_of_the_week[day_index]
            final_day = day_formatted

    if day:
        if days_later != '':
            new_time = print(f'{str(final_hours)}:{str(final_minutes)} {format_hours}, {final_day}{days_later}')
            new_time = print(f'{str(final_hours)}:{str(final_minutes)} {format_hours}, {final_day}')
    elif days_later != '':
        new_time = print(f'{str(final_hours)}:{str(final_minutes)} {format_hours}{days_later}')
        new_time = print(f'{str(final_hours)}:{str(final_minutes)} {format_hours}')

    return new_time

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Build a Time Calculator Project - Build a Time Calculator Project

Just return the string, don’t print it. Your function is returning a print() statement, not a string.

The function should add the duration time to the start time and return the result.

Thank you very much, I’ve been stuck on that for ages!

No problem! If you want to print the output you can pass the function to print():

print(add_time('2:59 AM', '24:00'))